Call for papers – Abstract Submission

Abstract submission for individual papers, symposia and workshops:

Abstracts for papers should be no longer than 500 words, including references and keywords. Presentations will last 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for discussion.

Authors should indicate whether they prefer an oral or a poster presentation.

Abstracts for symposia on specific thematic areas should include a 300-word introduction (including references and keywords) followed by the abstracts of individual papers; these should be no longer than 300 words each, including references and keywords. Symposium papers will last 20 minutes, followed by a 10-minute discussion for each paper and a half-hour slot for discussion at the end.

Abstracts for workshops should include a 300-word introduction (including references and keywords), the topics and brief summaries of individual presentations and/or activities as well as details of the main organizer and co-organizers. Workshops may not last longer than 90 minutes.

Deadline for abstract submission: 17 February 15 March Extended to 10 April 2020

Submission Steps

Submission types: Abstracts for oral presentations, posters, symposia, workshops 

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