The Organizing Committee is looking forward to welcoming you at the 11th International Workshop on Bifurcation and Degradation in Geomaterials - IWBDG2017.
After the last highly successful meeting of IWBDG in May 2014 at the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong, this year's workshop will take place in Cyprus in May 2017.
The Organizing Committee hopes to make this workshop a memorable event, by bringing together renowned international scientists on a number of topics, promoting scientific discussions, encouraging future collaborations and integrating in the scientific program a rich program of social activities.
In accordance with the workshop’s objective to promote insight in bifurcation and degradation in geomaterials, scientists are invited to present recent advances in instabilities, localized and diffuse failure, multiscale, multiphysics, micromechanical modeling and other related topics. A major goal is also to promote the link between theoretical and applied mechanics with engineering applications in traditional and in emerging fields, such as geomechanics for the Energy and the Environment. The meeting encourages, in particular, the participation of Young Researchers at the doctoral and post-doctoral levels by applying moderate registration fees.
Latest News
• Programme is now available
• Social events updated
• Accommodation rates available
• Registration is open
• Final Submission has been extended to
25 January 2017
• Notification of Revisions has been extended to 20 December 2016
• Manuscript Submission deadline has been extended to 15 October 2016
• Submission guidelines have been amended
• Submissions are open
• 8th Oct. 2015 - The official website of IWBDG 2017 is launched.
Conference topics
The conference is dedicated to Professor Hans Muhlhaus, on the occasion of his 70th birthday, in recognition of his contributions and his achievements in the field of Bifurcation and Degradation in Geomaterials. A 1-day special session dedicated to Hans Muhlhaus, will be organized by Professors Elena Pasternak (elena.pasternak@uwa.edu.au) and Arcady Dyskin (arcady.dyskin@uwa.edu.au).
• Session 1: Experimental modeling of instabilities localization and degradation
Session developers: J Labuz (Univ of Minnesota, USA), J Desrues, S Hall (Univ J Fourier Grenoble, France), J-M Pereira (Univ. Paris Tech, France) -
• Session 2: Constitutive modeling and multi-physical coupling for localization, instability and degradation of geomaterials.
Session developers: J Sulem (Paris Tech, France), C di Prisco (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) -
• Session 3: Geomechanics for Energy, Environment and Geophysics.
Session developers: APS Selvadurai (McGill Univ, Canada), Klaus Regenauer-Lieb, E. Veveakis (Univ New South Wales, Australia) -
• Session 4: Soil-tool/machine interaction.
Session developers: K Alsibli (Univ of Tennessee, USA), M Alsaleh (Caterpillar, USA) -
• Session 5: Numerical modeling of failure, localized deformation and gravity driven flows.
Session developers:M Pastor (Univ Madrid, Spain), P Mira (Cedex, Spain), C Tamagnini (Univ di Perugia, Italy) -
• Session 6: Micromechanics and multi-scale analysis of instabilities and degradation.
Session developers: G Viggiani (Univ J Fourier, France), Jose Andrade (CalTech, USA) -
• Sessions dedicated to Hans Muhlhaus, on the occasion of his 70th birthday
Session developers: Arcady Dyskin, E Pasternak (Univ Western Australia, Australia)
Dedicated to

The conference is dedicated to Professor Hans-Bernd Muhlhaus, on the occasion of his 70th birthday, in recognition of his contributions and his achievements in the field of Bifurcation and Degradation in Geomaterials. A 1-day special session in honor of Professor Muhlhaus will be organized by Professors Elena Pasternak (elena.pasternak@uwa.edu.au) and Arcady Dyskin (arcady.dyskin@uwa.edu.au).
Important Dates
Deadline for early registration:
April 18, 2017Workshop:
May 21-25, 2017Calls for papers opens:
December 1, 2015Abstract Submission:
April 15, 2016Notification of acceptance:
May 15, 2016Extended to 15 June 2016Manuscript Submission:
October 1, 2016Extended to 15 October 2016Notification of Revisions:
December 1, 2016Extended to 20 December 2016Final Submission:
January 15, 2017Extended to 25 January 2017