mLearn is the leading international conference on mobile and contextual learning and attracts participants from more than 60 countries annually to the conference. mLearn 2017 provides a forum for researchers, policy makers, professionals and educators from higher education, school education and vocational education, government departments, industries and international organisations as well as IT developers and solutions providers to share knowledge, research and practices and debate critical issues pertaining to sustainable futures for mobile learning.
The overarching conference theme is 'mLearning and Design for Social Change and Innovation'. Higher education institutions are called upon to provide for the competencies and skills that foster design for social change and innovation. In addition, knowledge and skills alliances are encouraged by funding bodies to cultivate, share and disseminate competencies that foster social entrepreneurship and innovation. However, little is known on how mlearning can facilitate this process, how it can contribute towards social change, innovation and entrepreneurship.
'mLearn 2017' will aim to stimulate critical debate on and research into theories, approaches, principles, applications, research, and the implementation of mLearning in a broad sense, as well as within the context of design for social change and innovation. It will provide an opportunity for academics, professionals, practitioners and doctoral students to share their knowledge, experience and research in the various areas where mLearning is applied as well as the connections with the conference theme.
The overall objectives of 'mLearn 2017' are:
- To stimulate critical debate on and research into theories, approaches, principles and applications of various aspects of mLearning
- To share local and international developments, experiences and lessons learned
- To promote networking opportunities
- To encourage the study and implementation of mobile applications in teaching and learning
- To stimulate and assist personal professional development and the development of new skills for educators
- To provide a forum for education and knowledge transfer
- To facilitate dialogue, sharing and networking between diverse cultures with regard to the optimum use of emerging mobile technologies.
The topics of interest can go beyond the conference theme, and can include any of the following:
- The development, deployment and implementation of mlearning in the context of social entrepreneurship, innovation and social change
- mLearning as a tool that fosters social change and social entrepreneurship
- Innovations in mlearning theory and pedagogy
- From pilot projects to mainstream implementation: strategies for the deployment of mLearning
- Mobile technology to support open and distance learning
- Mobile technology for teaching and learning support
- Assessment techniques and practices in mLearning
- Design and development of learning material for mLearning
- Learning objects and metadata for mLearning
- Informal and lifelong learning with the aid of mobile technologies
- Challenges for mLearning in developing countries
- Building and implementing mLearning strategies in educational institutions, companies and public sector organisations
- mLearning management systems (mLMSs)
- Computer tablets
- Creating interactive and collaborative mLearning environments
- Future trends in mLearning technology, including the impact of emerging technologies
- Emerging hardware and software for mLearning including wearable technologies
- Location-aware technologies
- Contextual and situated learning
- Augmented reality
- Serious gaming and simulations
- Ambient intelligence and ubiquitous learning