Call for Papers

In accordance with the conference objective to promote insight on coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical- Chemical (THMC) processes in Geomechanics for energy and environmental applications, scientists are invited to present recent advances in the role of multiscale, coupled THMC processes in geo energy extraction and storage and protection of subsurface environment. A major goal is also to promote the link between theoretical and applied mechanics with engineering applications in traditional and in emerging fields, such as geomechanics for the Energy and the Environment. The meeting encourages the participation of Young Researchers at the doctoral and post-doctoral levels by applying moderate registration fees.

Authors are invited to submit a short paper (2-page, 500 words) in English for oral or poster presentation at the Conference. The 2-page paper must be submitted in the provided template and include a short introduction, methodology, main results and conclusions, emphasizing the innovation of the work.  The paper may include 1 figure and 3-5 references.  The short papers will be included in the electronic Proceedings of the Conference. Extended versions of selected papers will be reviewed for possible publication in the Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment (GETE) journal.