Degree and PhD in Biology from the Universitat de València (Spain) with a mention in International Doctorate. She is a professor in the Departament of Experimental and Social Sciences Teaching at the Faculty of Teacher Training (UV) and Deputy Director and researcher of the Botanical Garden of the UV. She coordinates the Speciality of Biology and Geology of the Master´s Degree of Secondary Education at the UV and the RCC-Harvard study group ‘Teaching and learning science in outdoor environments (TeLeSOE)’ with the Arnold Arboretum at Harvard University. Since 2022 she is the Director of the Chair of Scientific Culture for Climate Emergency (CCC Chair).
Her research focuses on the one hand on rare and endangered flora, both from coastal and mountain ecosystems and in invasive species. On the other, she leads research projects in the areas of environmental education, Education for Sustainability (EDS), environmental health, didactics of botany and outdoor education, with a special interest in addressing climate emergency with plants as a teaching resource of exceptional potential.
Her current academic work focuses on the use of natural environments as innovative resources for formal and non-formal education. Olga is actively involved in teacher training, designing teaching strategies that align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the 2030 Agenda. She is a co-investigator in the national project “Observatory of the Implementation of Agenda 2030 in the Spanish University System (ODServa2030)”, funded by the Spanish Ministry. She has recently hosted at the Botanical Garden UV the II Meeting of University Sustainability Chairs, where she led discussions on integrating climate change education and research.
WoS Researcher ID: Z-2196-2019
SC 55481193600
Olga Mayoral García-Berlanga, PhD
Dpto. Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales y Sociales
Facultad de Magisterio. Avda. Tarongers, 4; 46022, Valencia
Jardí Botànic de la Universitat de València
Calle Quart, 80; E-46008, Valencia (Spain)
Universitat de València
Tel. +34 961625489
Cátedra CCC. Cátedra de Cultura Científica para la Emergencia Climática