Local Organizers
Marios Andreou
Charalambos Christodoulou
Constantinos Kounnamas
Frederick University
Among University’s key operational pillars is the advancement and transfer of knowledge through basic and applied research work as well as the encouragement of the creative output of its faculty members. Frederick University aims to continuously enhance its standing as a reputable research institution of international standards, with significant contributions to science and technology, and innovations for the benefit of local and European economy and society.
Through its Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) activities, the University aspires to be an exemplary case in Cyprus in research to industry/society links with significant impact in advancement of the local economy through innovative application of new knowledge developed at the University or through collaborations with other research organizations.
To support and facilitate the Technology Transfer aims of its R&I Strategy, the University has adopted an Intellectual Property Policy. The policy is based on internationally accepted principles that govern the ownership rights emanating from research of and/or materials produced by the University’s members of staff and students, and establishes objectively fair and equitable criteria for the transfer of knowledge.
Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment
The Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment aims at promoting sustainable development for agriculture and fishing, while contributing to environmental protection and sustainable management of both the environment and Cyprus natural resources through projects, initiatives and actions.
The vision of the Forestry Department is to maintain forests in optimal condition and to achieve the highest possible environmental, social, and economic benefits. These benefits are to be balanced, grounded in the principle of sustainability, and aligned with the expectations of society.
The mission of the Forestry Department is to protect and promote sustainable forest management while enhancing green spaces through:
- Developing and implementing Forest Policy and Legislation
- Protecting forests from fires, climate change, and other threats
- Strengthening the protective functions of forests
- Preserving biodiversity
- Promoting forest-based recreation
- Producing forest products.
Nature Conservation Unit (NCU)
The Nature Conservation Unit (NCU) was established in 2005 and operates under the Frederick University and Frederick Research Center. It specialises on biodiversity conservation, natural resources management and conservation, and environmental education and awareness in Cyprus. NCU was the first department in the Cypriot academic system that started dealing with issues relating to nature conservation.
More specifically, the Unit focuses on the study, monitoring, management and conservation of the Cyprus flora, fauna and habitats of Cyprus and the conservation and management of ecologically important areas of the island. Moreover, it aims at the promotion of awareness and education among the people of Cyprus about major environmental issues. The members and collaborating scientists of the NCU have extensive experience on conservation biology, natural resources management and environmental education and awareness.
Dr. Marios Andreou
Dr. Marios Andreou is a Conservation Biologist with over 20 years of experience in management and implementation of research funded projects. He currently works as a Postdoctoral Research Associate of the Nature Conservation Unit of Frederick University and a Visitor Lecturer of the School of Health Sciences of Frederick University, teaching the course ‘Elements of Botany’. He also served as a Visiting Lecturer for the course ‘Biodiversity and Education’ within the framework of the Postgraduate Program ‘Education for the Environment and Sustainable Development’ and the ‘Six-month Education and Training Program for the Environment and Sustainable Development’ of the School of Education and Social Sciences of Frederick University. He also worked as a Research Officer at Research & Interconnection Service of Frederick University from 2011 to 2020.
He graduated from the Faculty of Biology, of the University of Athens, in 2004 and he received a PhD in Biology from the same Department in 2010. His PhD thesis focused on the Conservation Biology of rare plants of Cyprus.
His research interests focus on the aspects of conservation biology and biodiversity conservation, as well as on plant physiology and seed ecophysiology. Specifically, he emphases on the issues of nature management, mapping and monitoring of threatened plant species and habitat types, reproductive biology, recording of threats and pressures and, finally, on the proposal of sound (in situ, inter situ) conservation and management measures of flora and habitat types. Within the framework of ex situ conservation, Dr. Andreou focuses on the study of seed germination and ‘breaking’ of seed dormancy for the development of seed germination protocols.
In his professional career, he had participated in nine LIFE projects of the European Union (two of which as a project manager), in one project of Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON), in one Interreg V-A ‘Greece – Cyprus’ project, in five projects funded by Research and Innovation Foundation, to the elaboration of a significant number of environmental studies; appropriate impact assessments; monitoring and management plans, in monitoring of plant species and habitat types of Annex I and II of the Directive 92/43/EEC and in mapping of plant species and habitat types. He has also gained considerable experience in operation of the Natura 2000 Network and in conservation and management of endangered plant species and habitat types.
He had published nine articles in international scientific journals and has been involved in writing chapters in six books. He had participated in 28 scientific conferences in Cyprus and abroad and published 42 peer-reviewed papers in minutes of national and international conferences.
Dr. Charalambos Christodoulou
Charalambos Christodoulou is a graduate of the Cyprus Forestry (1988) and the National School of Forestry, University of Central Lancashire (2003). In 2015, he obtained a PhD in Systematic Conservation Planning, at the University of Reading, focusing on the design of reserve areas using threatened species.
He works with the Department of Forests, from 1988 to 1991 at the Management Sector and from 1991 at the Parks and Environment Sector.
In his professional career he has been intensively involved with the study of the flora and vegetation of the island, the establishment and organisation of the Department of Forests’ Herbarium, the in- and ex-situ conservation of threatened and/or endemic plant species, as well as the restoration of important habitats and the management of protected areas. Also, among his research interests is the impact of invasive plant species on the autochtonous communities and their control, especially in ecologically sensitive areas.
He has an active participation in the design and setting up of the Natura 2000 network in Cyprus, as a flora and vegetation expert, as well as the mapping, monitoring and evaluation of conservation status of plants and habitats.
Since 1993, he participated in 15 research and co-funded projects, related to the protection and conservation of threatened species and habitats and the management of Natura 2000 sites.
He co-authored 22 peer-reviewed articles, including the description of plant species new to science and reserve selection methods, as well as the books “Red Data Book of the Flora of Cyprus”, “Trees and Shrubs in Cyprus” and “Flowers of the Eastern Mediterranean”.
He is a co-editor of the online portal “Flora of Cyprus a – dynamic checklist”, which provides information on all species and subspecies of vascular plants occurring in Cyprus.
Dr. Constantinos Kounnamas
Dr. Constantinos Kounnamas has been a member of the Nature Conservation Unit of Frederick University since 2007 and serves as its Assistant Director. Since 2019, he teaches at the undergraduate programme of the School of Health Sciences and specifically at the Department of Pharmacy, at “Elements of Botany” course, as Visiting Lecturer. He studied Biology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens where he received his degree in 2004. He continued his studies at Glamorgan University in Wales where in 2005 he obtained his MSc in Environmental Conservation and Management. In 2015 he received his PhD in Biology from the University of Athens, where his thesis was “Germination Ecophysiology and Climate Change Impacts on Endemic Plants of Troodos (Cyprus)”.
At the Nature Conservation Unit, he has participated in a series of research projects (> 35) related to biodiversity conservation and natural resource management in Cyprus, as well as environmental education issues. These projects are funded / have been funded by various bodies, such as the European Commission (e.g. ERASMUS, LIFE, HORIZON Europe), the Government of Cyprus, the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation, etc. He has participated in scientific conferences, lectures and workshops focused on various environmental issues, environmental education and youth issues.