Within the last years, a consortium of Universities and Research Centers including the University Carlos III of Madrid, the National Engineering School of Metz (now a department of the Lorraine University), the Polytechnic University of Poznan and the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, have been organizing an annual International Workshop devoted to the dynamic behavior of materials. The next Workshop will be organized by the University of Cyprus and is conducted under the auspices of NAWA. Louisiana State University joined these institutions in the organization of the DynaMAT 2019 Conference which is held in Cyprus in 2019.
The Workshop will cover experimental, theoretical and numerical aspects of the mechanical behaviour of solids at high strain rates. Research work based on specific industrial applications are welcome. The following main sessions are proposed: Constitutive modelling, Experimental investigations, Modelling and numerical simulations. High speed impact and machining and Metal forming and other industrial applications.
08 February 2019
Deadline for two-page abstract
08 March 2019
Author registration deadline
17 April 2019
Opening of the workshop
Scientific events will take place at the campus of University of Cyprus which is located on the outskirts of east Nicosia, between Aglantzia and Athalassa