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Past conference: EINN 2009
The conference on "Electromagnetic Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei (EINN)" has been organized on Santorini and Milos Islands in Greece every other year since 1995. The series covers experimental and theoretical topics in the areas of nuclear and hadronic physics (information can be found on the last conference by visiting EINN 2009 ).
The aim is to have fruitful discussions involving experimentalists and theorists with a background in nuclear and particle physics as well as in hadron physics. Young physicists are especially encouraged to attend and present a talk or poster.
No proceedings will be produced, in the tradition of Gordon and Euroconferences, in order to encourage the frank exchange of even tentative information. The conference has also served as a forum for contact and discussion on future directions in the field.
The scientific program of the 2011 conference will review new results in the fields of :
- Nucleon form factors and low-energy hadron structure (new high precision electron scattering results as contrasted with a new proton radius extraction from Lamb shift measurements in muonic hydrogen)
- 3-dimensional partonic structure of the nucleon (new experiments and future prospects in parton and generalized parton distributions, transverse momentum distributions)
- Precision electroweak physics with searches for dark photons (new weak charge measurement of the proton, beyond standard model physics, first results for dark photon searches at MAMI and JLab)
- Meson structure (new meson transition FF results (pi0, eta, eta') from BABAR and their interpretation, hadronic corrections to muon's (g-2))
- Baryon and light-meson spectroscopy (first complete polarization experiments)
- Nuclear effects and few-body physics (new vistas in nuclear physics from a QCD perspective and in few-body chiral effective field theories)
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