Call for Papers
23-01-2017: Updated Important Dates
13-12-2016: Deadline for Submission for Extended Abstracts has been extended to Jan. 16, 2017
International Conference on Electronic Publishing (Elpub) 2017 Call For Papers
Theme:Expanding Perspectives on Open Science: Communities, Cultures and Diversity in Concepts and Practices
Conference dates and location: 6-8 June 2017, Limassol, Cyprus
Conference Host: Cyprus University of Technology
Conference Venue: Curium Palace Hotel
The International Conference on Electronic Publishing (Elpub) is entering its 3rd decade of continuous engagement with the changing landscape of publishing and scholarly communications. Elpub 2017 continues the tradition, bringing together researchers, policy makers, public managers, publishers, librarians, developers, entrepreneurs, users and all other stakeholders interested in issues regarding electronic publishing in widely differing contexts.
Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean, after Sicily and Sardinia. At the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa, its geographic location, rich, unique history and cultural diversity make it particularly well suited for hosting ELPUB 2017.
The conference this year will focus on the diverse perspectives about Open Science, one of the most widely discussed topics in research communications today. Despite the common claims that Open Science improves transparency and accountability throughout the research life cycle while democratizing the knowledge production process, empirical research and conceptual validation of these ideas has been limited. In addition, there is a growing tendency to conceptualise Open Science as a set of conditions waiting to be met, without regard for regional differences, including cultural and historical contexts of knowledge production. We, therefore, invite researchers and practitioners from diverse backgrounds to share their results and ideas at what we hope will be a highly interactive forum.
Elpub is also exploring alternative models of interaction and co-creation between scholars and citizen scientists and the role of dissemination and publishing within these interactions. As such, the conference is open to a broad range of questions, including:
- Who determines the agenda and direction of emerging discourses around Open Science?
- How does Open Science challenge the current positions and power of players and agents, - in developing and developed countries, with scholars and their networks, commercial and academia-based publishers, research institutions and e-infrastructures - as well as their respective agendas?
- Are we seeing a converging global view of Open Science, or are there disciplinary, regional, and other differences that are important to consider?
- What are the gaps between existing Open Science policies, regulatory frameworks, and implementation requirements and how should they be addressed?
- How do Open Science agendas relate to the Open Innovation agendas of governments, funders and institutions? What is the impact of these agendas on research funding and dissemination practices?
By assessing these interlinked questions, the aim is to improve our understanding of current challenges and opportunities in the ecosystem of open science, and how to move forward collaboratively in developing an inclusive system that works for a broad range of participants. Please join us in this exciting discussion!
Topics include but are not restricted to:
Conceptual Frameworks
- Open Science and Knowledge Commons
- Gender and Open Science
- Political Economy of Knowledge Production
- Indigenous Knowledge and Cognitive Justice
Open Science and Interdisciplinary research
- Open Science and Digital Humanities
- Social Science Research and Open Science
- Global Change Research and Open Science
- Web Science and Open Science
- Issues on Intellectual Ownership of Publications
Open Science and the Research Lifecycle
- Diversity of Outputs and Representations
- Quality Assessment
- Alternative Forms of Publishing
- Evaluation and Monitoring
Tools, Technology and Infrastructure
- Preservation of Digital Research Outputs
- Data Visualization
- Big Data Analytics
- (Linked) Open Data
- Collaboration Tools and Platforms
Citizen Science
- Public Policy and Lay Participation
- Science Beyond Academia
- Incentives and Recognition
- Attribution for Data and Code Sharing
Funding and Sustainability
- Governance of Shared e-Infrastructure
- Innovative Models
- Funders and Institutional Policies
- Policy Alignment
We invite submissions in the form of an extended abstract (see format below). All submissions are subjected to peer review. Authors whose abstracts have passed the first round of peer review will be invited to submit full papers. For each accepted paper, at least one author must register for the conference to present the paper. The same requirement applies for inclusion in the proceedings.
Moreover, all those with accepted workshop or demonstration proposals must commit to supporting the event (speakers, lecturers, panel members, etc.) by physically attending and coordinating their activity.
Papers submitted to this conference must not have been accepted or be under review by another conference or by a journal. They will be published in indexed open access proceedings. Furthermore, all accepted papers and posters will be archived at the Elpub Digital Library: All contents published in the Elpub proceedings are open access via the conference archive under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited. All full papers, short papers and posters should be written in English, though other languages would also be considered, provided that an English translation of the abstract is also made available.
Contributions are invited for the following categories:
- Full papers (manuscript up to 10 pages)
- Short papers (manuscript up to 6 pages)
- Practitioner and Developer papers (manuscript of any length for presentation only)
- Posters (abstract min. of 500 words submission and then with the option to publish a manuscript between 2 - 4 pages if the authors choose).
- Pre-Conference Workshops (abstract min. of 500 words)
- Early Stage Research and Practise (inviting early stage researchers, practitioners and students to submit their ideas and work (500 words) in an open discussion with experts from the community in the form of a workshop)
- Funders roundtable
- Demonstrations (abstract min. of 500)
All extended abstracts must be submitted via the EasyAcademia system by Dec. 15, 2016 extended to Jan. 16, 2017.
Click here to view submission guidelines.
Extended abstracts must be between 1,000 - 1,500 words and contain:
- Title of the paper
- Author(s) name and affiliation
- Type of paper you plan to submit (e.g. Full paper, short paper, practictioner's paper)
- Key objectives of the study and significance
- Design and Methodology
- An overview of state of the art in the field
- Outcomes thus far or expected outcomes
- A bibliography
- Keywords (maximum five)
Important dates
15 Oct. 2015 Distribution of Call for Papers
1 November 2016 Submission Site Open
15 December 2016 Extended to Jan. 16, 2017 Submission Deadline for Extended Abstracts
20 January 2017 Extended to 15 February 2017 Author Decision Notification
15 March 2017 Extended to 30 March 2017 Submission of Full Paper for Final Review
1 April 2017 Extended to 15 April 2017 Return of Final Review
10 May 2017 Submission of Final Paper
30 May 2017 Proceedings uploaded
6-8 June 2017 Conference
Selected publication will be selected and expanded to be published in the Journal Information Services and Use.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:
General Chair: Fernando Loizides <>
Emerging Interactive Technologies Lab, University of Wolverhampton, UK
Programme Chair: Leslie Chan <>,
Centre for Critical Development Studies, University of Toronto Scarborough, Canada