The European Federation of Psychologists' Associations has 37 member associations from 37 countries, including all 28 EU countries.
The largest associations are those from Italy (approx. 98,000), Spain (approx. 68.500), and the UK (approx. 70,000), and the smallest are Malta (130), San Marino (46), and Liechtenstein (40).
Collectively the number of psychologists represented by these associations is over 300,000, and include both practitioners and academic/research psychologists.
The member organisations of EFPA are concerned with promoting and improving psychology as a profession and as a discipline, particularly (though not exclusively) in applied settings, with an emphasis on the training and research associated with such practice.
The mission of EFPA is to promote the development, dissemination and application of psychology in Europe in all its forms, and to contribute to shaping a humane society, in Europe and beyond, on the basis of psychology’s expertise.
One of the federation's major goals is to further the integration of practice with research as part of a continued effort to promote the further inegration of psychology as a discipline.
What EFPA Does
As an organisation EFPA fills a number of roles and provides a variety of services, resources, and facilities to both member associations and to the general public, including:
The highest body in the federation is the General Assembly, with the central position held by the Executive Council, and all administrative matters handled by the Head Office.
The federation also incorporates a number of committees, of which the major ones are its Boards, Standing Committees, Task Forces, and those related to EuroPsy and Test User Certification.
Executive Council and EFPA Groups
The Executive Council is comprised of 7 members, all of whom are a volunteers kind enough to give some of their limited time over to EFPA matters. The current members are from Portugal (President), Lithuania (Secretary-General), Germany (Treasurer), Cyprus, Italy, Croatia, and Norway.
The number of Committee Members, who are also all volunteers, is 375, hailing from 33 different countries.
As you can see, EFPA is a largely volunteer-run organisation where most of the work is done by psychologists whose main responsibilities lie with other organisations/institutions.
The EFPA Head Office has a staff of 2.75 FTE (4 persons), which is similar to that of the smaller Member Associations.
For comparison, the BPS (UK) has almost 100 staff, the NIP (NL) around 60, and the NPF (NO) approximately 45.
Where Can You Find EFPA?