Call for Posters
The 11th annual ACM/SIGGRAPH conference on Motion, Interaction and Games (MIG 2018, formerly Motion in Games) will take place in Limassol, Cyprus from November 8-10, 2018. MIG is sponsored by ACM and held in cooperation with Eurographics. We invite the submission of poster presentations that describe novel research ideas, work in progress, preliminary results and any work that is not mature enough to appear as a long or short paper. We additionally accept work that has been published elsewhere but is of particular relevance to the MIG community; this work and the venue in which it was published should be identified in the abstract. Posters will not appear in the official MIG proceedings or in the ACM Digital library but will appear in an online database for distribution at author’s discretion. Posters will be reviewed single-blind, so author information may be included. Accepted posters will require that at least one author attends the conference to present the poster in an open area. Authors will present during the fast-forward presentation session that will give a chance for the authors to orally present a very brief summary of their work to all conference attendees.
Submissions should be in English and no more than 2 pages in length. They must be PDF files (only) with full author names and affiliations using the SIGGRAPH formatting guidelines (sigconf). A sample LaTeX document and a Word template are available.
Submissions should be emailed to Please visit for more information.
Topics of Interest
The relevant topics include (but are not limited to):
- Animation Systems
- Animation Algorithms and Techniques
- Character Animation
- Behavioral Animation
- Facial Animation
- Particle Systems
- Simulation of Natural Environments
- Natural Motion Simulation
- Virtual Humans
- Physics-based Motion
- Crowd Simulation
- Path Planning
- Navigation and Way-finding
- Flocking and Steering Behaviour
- Camera Motion
- Object Manipulation
- Motion Capture Techniques
- Motion Analysis and Synthesis
- Gesture Recognition
- Interactive Narrative
- Virtual/Augmented Reality
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: September 21st, 2018 (email submissions to
Poster Notification: October 5, 2018
Conference Leadership
Conference Chairs
Program Chairs