Keynote Speakers

Prof. Hermann Kaindl

TU Wien, Vienna
University for Continuing Education Krems, Wiener Neustadt
Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna

Many Flavors of Reuse and Reusability


In this keynote, I will reflect on a few decades of my own encounters and experiences with many “flavors” of software reuse and reusability (RR), both in industry and in scientific research. This includes RR of program code, software design and architecture, as well as RR based on business models, domain models and ontologies. I will also talk about feature models / product line engineering (PLE) and case-based reasoning (CBR), and in particular their integration. I will try to generalize and provide lessons learned that go beyond my specific experiences. Some of these approaches were based on and are related to Artificial Intelligence (AI), where I was heavily involved in research in the 1980s and 1990s. Given the recent and current successes of AI, I will finish with a few speculations on future RR by making use of AI.

Short bio:

Hermann Kaindl joined the Institute of Computer Technology in early 2003 as a full professor, where he served in this position until September 2022, for several years as the department head and the head of the organizational unit entitled “Software-intensive Systems”. He served for several years as a member of the Senate at TU Wien, from October 2019 until September 2022 as a Vice Chairman. After his retirement, Hermann Kaindl is still working on (funded) research projects. Prior to moving to academia, he was a senior consultant with the division of program and systems engineering at Siemens Austria. There he has gained more than 24 years of industrial experience in requirements and software engineering, human-computer interaction and artificial intelligence. He has published more than 250 papers in refereed journals, books and conference proceedings, as well as two monographs, and he edited several conference proceedings. He currently serves on the editorial board of AI Communications and as an associate editor of the Requirements Engineering journal. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and a Distinguished Scientist member of the ACM.

Prof. Georgia Kapitsaki

University of Cyprus

Open source software issues practitioners face: general issues and licensing concerns


Open source software is used by many practitoners, whereas many organizations choose to reuse open source software or make their products open source. At the same time, Stack Overflow and other Stack Exchange sites are widely used by practitioners in order to get help in programming and other issues they face by fellow practitioners. This talk will cover issues practitioners face when it comes to open source software, whereas special emphasis will be put on the area of licensing of open source software and the relevant issues in that specific area. In the first part of the talk, open source software licensing will be briefly presented. In the second part, analysis performed by our research group on Stack Exchange sites concerning open source software issues in general and licensing more in more specific will be covered. The talk will also explore important parameters, when choosing an open source software license for a project and will present resources and techniques that can assist in this process.

Short bio:

Dr.-Ing. Georgia Kapitsaki is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Cyprus. Her research interests include Software Engineering, Open Source Software, Human Aspects in Software Engineering, and Privacy Enhancing Technologies She received her PhD from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece (2009). She has worked as a software and telecommunications engineer in Germany (2005, 2009-2010) and as a visiting researcher at the Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg and TU Delft. She has published over 60 papers in international journals and conferences. She has received the best paper award in ICSR 2015 and in the doctoral symposium of MODELS 2008. She has been serving as evaluator for EU proposals. She has received funding from European research projects (e.g. Support4Resilience, SocioCoast). She is a member of the editorial board of ERCIM News and has been a guest editor for Elsevier Journal of Systems and Software. She is a faculty member of the Software Engineering and Internet Technologies (SEIT) laboratory.