Welcome to MPU 2022   Click to listen highlighted text! Welcome to MPU 2022

Presenter Information

Oral Presenters

Oral Presentations will be allocated 15 minutes. Each presentation should take between 10 – 12 minutes with the rest of the time dedicated to questions and answers. 

Presenters should upload their presentations on to the desktop of the laptop in the room where they will present. Please make sure that your presentation is uploaded well before the session, preferably at the start of the day; you are advised to check that it will run correctly and, in particular, that any links to other sites are functioning. For information on uploading or in case of any difficulty you are requested to speak with the information desk.

Please note that if you prefer to use your own hardware (Mac, HDMI/VGA connector etc) you should provide any necessary power cables and connector cables to link to the audiovisual equipment in the room. Presenters should check before presentation that it is possible to access any on-line materials or sites linked to in the course of their presentations and that these run as required.

Timing is tight so a good preparation is crucial.

The projection system uses a 4:3 format, so please adjust your slides accordingly for optimal presentation quality.

Poster presenters

Each poster will be given a dedicated spot in the poster area. You will be expected to attend to present your poster during the poster session in the programme.

Your poster should be A0 portrait (tall) size (841 mm wide x 1189 mm high). The necessary fixing material to stick your poster on the panel will be provided. 

We advise setting up your poster at least 2 hours before your session.

Please take down your poster at the end of your session as there may be another poster session following later in the day.

Poster sessions are an opportunity to present your work to others and get feedback. Since you will be standing next to the poster throughout your assigned poster session, think of the poster as a visual aid that will (1) allow you to present your work in its best light and (2) enable visitors to give you useful feedback.

Here are some things to keep in mind when designing your poster:

  • It is possible to make posters using a variety of programs including PowerPoint, Keynote, Sketch, and Adobe Illustrator.
  • Make your figures and text large and high-contrast (e.g. no yellow on white).
  • Strive to minimize text wherever possible. You need not list every methodological detail (but be prepared to answer questions if asked), and you need not include an extensive bibliography. Avoid tables if possible. If your project involves statistics, indicate statistical significance on your graphs using error bars and stars — this is generally preferable to writing out the results of statistical tests.
  • Break your poster up into panels. Start by succinctly stating your overall question in large text (you may need to provide some minimal background information to help set up your question). Next, briefly describe your methods using visual aids.  Next, graphically present your findings. The final panel on the poster should have just a few brief conclusions. Again, use large text, so that visitors leave with at least one clear takeaway message.
  • The maximum poster dimensions are 841 mm wide x 1189 mm high. Use vector graphics if possible; rasterization becomes much more noticeable at larger scales.
  • Prepare a run-through that lasts no more than 3-5 minutes.
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