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(Last Updated: 3 June 2013)
Conference Programme
Friday, 7 June 2013
15:00 - 17:30 | Registration | ||
16:00 - 16:30 | Welcome Ceremony (Assembly Hall) Welcome and Introductions: Professor Mary Koutselini ( Chair of the Department of Education, University of Cyprus), Dr Andri Savva, Dr Nopi Telemachou and Sophia Rossidou |
16:30 - 17:30 | Keynote Speech (Assembly Hall)
Mr. Hambis Tsaggaris'Illustrating folk-tales and traditions' by Hambis |
17:30 - 18:00 | Coffee Break | ||
18:00 - 19:30 | Workshop 1Children's Creative Paper-Cutting Workshop.YAO Bingyue, Xiaowei Liu, Pioneer Education Institute for Children, Beijing, China (Room: B001) |
Workshop 2The otherness of myself.Elena Christodoulidou, Amfidromo Dance company Cultural Crossroads (Assembly Hall) |
Workshop 3Blue for boys, pink for girls,? I wonder what happened to the rest of the colour spectrum!Persefoni Krassidou, Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture (Room: B003) |
19:30 - 20:30 | Drinks Reception (University - Assembly Hall) |
Saturday, 8 June 2013
Session 1A (Room: A009) |
Session 1B (Room: A010) |
Workshops | |
08:30 - 10:00 | 1. Kia tipu te wairua toi: Fostering the creative spirit through the arts in early childhood education. Lisa Terreni, Dr Beverley Clark, Victoria University of Wellington. 2. Learning in an art museum: What is the link between cognition and enjoyment for the early childhood?. Redjala Grichka, Universite Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris. 3. Children's collaborative canvases: Electric landscapes of colour. Lesley Pohio, The University of Auckland, New Zealand. |
1. Growing through art: from project based approaches to curriculum integrated application. Joke Den Haese, Erasmus University College Brussels. 2. Constructionism, the Reggio Emilia Approach and Modelling - based Learning. What brings together mathematics and art within early childhood education?. Chrystalla Papademetri-Kachrimani, Marianna Efstathiadou, European University, Cyprus. 3. The art of communication: Young children and graphicacy. Elizabeth Carruthers, Maulfry Worthington, Free University, Amsterdam. |
The art that includes other arts Anthia Michaelides, University of Cyprus (90') (A015 Music Room). |
10:00 - 10:30 | Coffee Break | ||
Session 2A (Room: A009) |
Session 2B (Room: A010) |
Workshops | |
10:30 - 12:00 | 1. Dialogues with Artists: young children trying on studio practices. Margaret Brooks, University of New England. 2. Empathy, being and belonging through the Starcatchers experience. Aline-Wendy Dunlop, Rhona Matheson, Starcatchers Productions, Marie-Jeanne McNaughton, Joan Martlew, Deirdre Groan, Jane Thomson, University of Strathclyde. 3. Applying cementography in primary school setting.. Tereza Markidou, Ministry of Education and Culture, Cyprus. |
1. Visual Art Inspirations: People, Places, Things. Lesley Pohio, The University of Auckland, New Zealand. 2. Enriching toddlers' and toddler teachers' sense of being and belonging through visual arts exploration, creation, and reflection within the "context of chorotopos". Jannie Visser, Education Unlimited, New Zealand. 3. Place based art education in early childhood: Examples and practices for sustainable development. Aravella Zachariou, Andri Savva, Popi Fountouli, Pedagogical Institute of Cyprus, University of Cyprus, Cyprus Ministry of Education. |
I see you, you see me. Naoyuki Ishiga, Japan (45') (Assembly Hall). |
12:00 - 13:00 | Keynote Speech (Assembly Hall)
Dr. Dorothy FaulknerWhat can psychologists and educators learn by listening to children talking about drawing and art? |
13:00 - 14:30 | Lunch Break | ||
Session 3A (Room: A009) |
Session 3B (Room: A010) |
Workshops | |
14:30 - 16:00 | 1. Girl power: Exploring gender identity through art. Rosemary Richards, Australian Catholic University. 2. Unique ways of seeing: Five children's approaches to observational drawing. Hall Emese, University of Exeter. 3. "Ownership and handicrafts: Which one is my aeroplane? Is it... hmhmh... this one?". Angeliki Bitou, Day Care Centerr of OAED, Ioannina, Greece. |
1. Art practices with young children in a primary setting: "Diversity through nature and others", based on the New Visual Arts Curriculum of Cyprus. Efi Ioakim, Ministry of Education and Culture, Cyprus. 2. The educational value of Mosaics in pre-school education-a practical project. Miranda Eftychiou, Mathiatis pre- school, Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture, Cyprus |
"Lernwerkstatt" - a Place for discovering learning and the creation of new experiences. Sibylle Haas, EB Nordwest Berlin Child Care Centers Professional Development, Germany (45') (Room: B001). |
16:00 - 16:30 | Coffee break | ||
Session 4A (Room: A009) |
Session 4B (Room: A010) |
Workshops | |
16:30 - 18:00 | 1. Children and Contemporary Art Works in Museum Brigita Strnad, Maribor Art Gallery, Slovenia. 2. The educational programme at the Paphos Municipal Art Gallery "Searching for animals in the gallery". Fotini Larkou, Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture, Cyprus. 3.Beyond the fire station: Investigating early childhood access to and use of art museums and galleries in Aotearoa New Zealand. Lisa Terreni, Victoria University of Wellington. |
1. "Mud, Mess and Magic" Victoria de Rijke, Fiona Bailey,, Middlesex University. 2. Place for the arts and spaces for play in early childhood teachers' education. Nopi Telemachou, Andri Savva,, University of Cyprus. |
Storigami. Eliza Pitri, Agni Stylianou, Antonia Michaelidou, University of Nicosia, Cyprus (90') (Room: B001). |
18:30 | Visit to the Old City and Municipal Art Centre - within walking distance from the University | ||
20:00 | Conference Dinner |
Sunday, 9 June 2013
Session 1A (Room: A009) |
Session 1B (Room: A010) |
Workshops | |
08:30 - 10:00 | 1. Ephemeral art with young children from Aotearoa. New Zealand. Eileen Kennedy and Beth Huddleston, Napier Kindergarten Association, Napier, New Zealand. 2. Transforming the place we play at: Young children creating in their school's courtyard. Sophia Rossidou, Konstantia Vasiliou, Lida Skandali, Pernera Public Kindergarden, Ministry of Education, Cyprus. 3. Play, Experiment, Discover and Create through Play. Nasia Charalambous, Andrea Eliadou, Andria Christodoulou, Andri Tantele, Andria Giasemidou, Kindergarten and Nursery School of Cyprus University. |
1. Children sparkle in Sparkle Street. Eliza Pitri, Agni Stylianou, Antonia Michaelidou, University of Nicosia, Cyprus. 2. The Archive of Cyprus Child Art (ACCA): Its contribution and implementation in art education. Kypros Pissialis, Ministry of Education and Culture, Cyprus. 3. Around Khôra: Representing Nicosia's cultural heritage through art activities in an early childhood setting. Olymbia Nicolaou, Niki Pericleous, Xenia Panayidou, Anastasia Christopoulou, Viki Gounnari, 4th Aglantzia Public Kindergarten- Ministry of Education and Culture, Cyprus. |
10:00 - 10:30 | Coffee Break | ||
Session 2A (Room: A009) |
Session 2B (Room: A010) |
Workshops | |
10:30 - 12:00 | 1. Making a meaning: Building identities through Visual Arts and Drama Education. Nicoleta Avgousti, Iacovos Psaltis, Andriani Chrysostomou, Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture, Middlesex University Institute for Work Based Learning. 2. Small Children's Paper-cut Animation promoting Diversified Development of Early Childhood. Qingjun Yu, Beijing Xinzhongjie Kindergarten. 3. Multimodal expression through visual arts and drama: understanding identity development in young children. Victoria Pavlou, Andri H. Constantinou, Athina Michael, Frederick University, Cyprus. |
1. Communicating and shaping the sense of being a pupil: A multimodal approach to children's meaning making of school values and curriculum aims through art making. Sophia Diamantopoulou, Institute of Education, European University Cyprus. 2. Drawing with Children: an experiment in assisted creativity. Ourania Kouvou, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. 3. "See what I see" - photography as a window to children's meaning making. Janette Kelly, University of Waikato, New Zealand. |
A Colourful Journey of Self Awareness. Maria Vassiliadou, Frederick University, Cyprus (90') (Room: B003). |
12:00 - 13:00 | Keynote Speech (Assembly Hall)
Prof. Eli Trimis"Rethinking Art Education for the early years: the Chorotopos in theory and practice" |
13:00 - 14:30 | Lunch Break | ||
Session 3A (Room: A009) |
Session 3B (Room: A010) |
Workshops | |
14:30 - 15:30 | 1. The space of visual art learning in Finnish early childhood education. Sinikka Rusanen. University of Helsinki. 2. Navigating an aesthetics of difference with postgraduate international students in Early Childhood Education. Maureen Lewis, New Zealand Tertiary College. |
1.Engage children to public art - Start with their teachers first. Wong Kit-mei Betty, The Hong Kong Institute of Education. 2. Constructing places in educator's minds that inspire art learning in Early Childhood contexts: John Dewey's foundational influence on visual art pedagogy of Reggio Emilia. Gai Lindsay, University of Wollongong. |
15:30 - 16:00 | Coffee break | ||
16:00 - 16:30 | Closing Panel | ||
16:30 - 17:00 | Conference Meeting - Executive Board Meeting: The International Art in Early Childhood Association (Room: A106 - First Floor) |
Non-stop Workshops in collaboration with artists
The non-stop art workshops are developed in collaboration with students, artists, and community agencies-including children in schools. There is no registration in advance. You are welcome to join whenever you like.
Non-Stop Workshops Programme
Artist: | Christos Lissiotis |
Room: | B003 |
Friday, 7/6/13: | 15:00-16:00 |
Saturday, 8/6/13: | 10:00-12:00, 13:30-15:00, 16:30-18:00 |
Sunday, 9/6/13: | 09:00-10:00 |
This non-stop workshop will take place during the conference in collaboration with the artist Christos Lyssiotis, and it will be open to all participants.
The workshop emphasises the importance of traces (of the act of leaving traces) recognised by every aspect of human exploration of the past, of ones' self, and of crime. Identity is represented as a mosaic of traces. The manifestation of identity is realized by the homogenization and amalgamation of these pixels of traces. The dynamic of this workshop is based on the intimacy and spontaneity of the act of leaving a trace on a material that encompasses both the instant and the immortal that is clay. Leaving your trace on a set piece of clay, instantly and spontaneously, will not only act as personal relief from everything you hear and discuss, but also as a physical relief of your own trace, which will be displayed at the end of the conference.
Artist: | Christina Christofi |
Room: | A011 |
Friday, 7/6/13: | 15:00-16:00, 17:30-19:30 |
Saturday, 8/6/13: | 10:00-12:00, 13:30-16:30 |
Sunday, 9/6/13: | 09:00-12:00 |
This non-stop workshop will take place during the conference in collaboration with the artist Christina Christofi and will be open to all participants. The main purpose of this video is to investigate some issues that concern people universally, despite their gender, culture and social background. It is going to be a video collage of different people, from different cultures.
- People are going to be interviewed on these questions:
- What is your biggest fear?
- If you had the choice to become something else what would that be?
- What will you do if you knew you could only live one day?
- Can you sing a song that you remember from your childhood?
How do people respond to these kinds of questions? Are there any similarities or oppositions in terms of our fears, desires, or on how we respond on issues of life and death? In the final video, the viewer will only hear the answers without knowing the initial question and the people's faces are about to project simultaneously in a split screen.
Dream, Play, Act
Artist: | Christina Christofi |
Room: | A007 |
Friday, 7/6/13: | 15:00-16:00, 17:30-19:30 |
Saturday, 8/6/13: | 09:00-12:00, 13:30-15:00, 16:30- 18:00 |
Sunday, 9/6/13: | 09:00-12:00 |
The workshop will take the form of an installation between an indoor and outdoor space, between manmade and natural surroundings, between dream and reality. Participants will be invited to interact with objects and spaces through their senses. The installation is a result of a collaborative work of many people including the artist Christina Christofi, teaching staff of the Department of Education-University of Cyprus, children of early childhood settings, and Athalassa Environmental Centre.