There are two kinds of workshops:
a) Non-stop workshops with no registration in advance
b) Workshops that will be planned according to proposals from presenters and require registration in advance.
Non-stop workshops with no registration in advance
The non-stop art workshops are developed in collaboration with students, artists, and community agencies-including children in schools. There is no registration in advance. You are welcome to join whenever you like. Detailed information about time and location will be displayed in the final conference programme and in the conference material handed out on registration onsite.
During the conference, artists in collaboration with students will run the following workshops:
TracesThis non-stop workshop will take place during the conference in collaboration with the artist Christos Lyssiotis, and it will be open to all participants.
The workshop emphasises the importance of traces (of the act of leaving traces) recognised by every aspect of human exploration of the past, of ones' self, and of crime. Identity is represented as a mosaic of traces. The manifestation of identity is realized by the homogenization and amalgamation of these pixels of traces. The dynamic of this workshop is based on the intimacy and spontaneity of the act of leaving a trace on a material that encompasses both the instant and the immortal that is clay. Leaving your trace on a set piece of clay, instantly and spontaneously, will not only act as personal relief from everything you hear and discuss, but also as a physical relief of your own trace, which will be displayed at the end of the conference.
This non-stop workshop will take place during the conference in collaboration with the artist Christina Christofi and will be open to all participants. The main purpose of this video is to investigate some issues that concern people universally, despite their gender, culture and social background. It is going to be a video collage of different people, from different cultures.
People are going to be interviewed on these questions:
- What is your biggest fear?
- If you had the choice to become something else what would that be?
- What will you do if you knew you could only live one day?
- Can you sing a song that you remember from your childhood?
- How do people respond to these kinds of questions?
- Are there any similarities or oppositions in terms of our fears, desires, or on how we respond on issues of life and death?
In the final video, the viewer will only hear the answers without knowing the initial question and the people's faces are about to project simultaneously in a split screen.
The workshop will take the form of an installation between an indoor and outdoor space, between manmade and natural surroundings, between dream and reality. Participants will be invited to interact with objects and spaces through their senses. The installation is a result of a collaborative work of many people including the artist Christina Christofi, teaching staff of the Department of Education-University of Cyprus, children of early childhood settings, and Athalassa Environmental Centre.
Workshops that require advanced registration
We ask you to register on site, at the Workshop point near the Registration Desk.
Click here to download the description of the Workshops with advanced registration.