We are very pleased to welcome you on the sunny island of Cyprus for the XIX Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence 2024. The Conference is organised by the Theological School of the Church of Cyprus in collaboration with EARA. The academic program will focus on a broad array of topics of adolescent development and will cover the latest developments in the field. The organising committee is also preparing fascinating social events taking place in the beautiful seaside city of Limassol. Cypriot hospitality will accompany you from the moment you step your feet in Cyprus until the end of your journey. We warmly invite all scholars interested in adolescence at any level of their career to join us at the EARA 2024 conference and to submit an abstract.
Promoting Adolescent Solidarity and Well-Being
Today’s youth is growing up in a constantly transforming, diverse, and digitally-driven world that is marked by significant challenges, such as natural disasters, diseases, wars, economic and environmental crises, and other societal challenges. Therefore, it is important to prioritize promoting well-being and solidarity among adolescents. Studies that explore the various aspects of adolescent development, including resilience, health behaviour, mental health, academic achievement, identity formation, agency, family bonds, and peer and romantic relations, are very welcome. In particular, we strongly welcome studies that examine different dimensions of solidarity, such as social, emotional, and intercultural competences, moral values, and inclusion. By advancing our understanding of these critical issues, we can work towards creating a more supportive and inclusive environment that nurtures the well-being and solidarity of our youth.
Young Scholars’ Travel Awards
European Association for Research on Adolescence will sponsor twenty (20) Young Scholar EARA members with the amount of €250 per person to participate in the EARA Conference 2024 in Cyprus. The EARA Young Scholars’ Committee will handle the competition. Priority will be given to applicants with limited budget and/or from low-income countries. A clear set of criteria will be announced. Travel awards applications will open on the 1st of April 2024.
Best Poster Awards
In collaboration with the Early Career Researcher committee, the European Association of Research on Adolescence (EARA) will assign the Best Poster Awards at the 19th EARA Conference in Limassol, Cyprus, September 25-28, 2024.
Click here for more information on how to apply. (Deadline 21st of July, 2024)

Important Dates
Submissions Open: September 25, 2023
Submissions Deadline: January 30, February 18, 2024
Acceptance Notification: April 22 April 26, 2024
Author Registration Deadline: July 15, 2024
Early Registration Deadline: July 15, 2024
Organising Committee
Scientific Committee
Olga Solomontos- Kountouri, Professor, Theological School of the Church of Cyprus
Ingrid Schoon, Professor, University College London, United Kingdom
Elisabetta Crocetti, Professor, University of Bologna, Italy
Wim Beyers, Professor, Ghent University, Belgium
Susan Branje, Professor, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Spyridon Tantaros, Professor, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Marios Vryonides, Professor, European University Cyprus, Cyprus
Ioulia Papageorgi, Professor, University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Kalypso Iordanou, Professor, UCLan Cyprus, Cyprus
Frosso Motti-Stefanidi, Professor, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Simona C. S. Caravita, Professor, Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioural Research in Education, University of Stavanger, Norway
Panayiotis Stavrinides, Associate Professor, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Jennifer Symonds, Professor, University College London, United Kingdom
Metin Özdemir, Associate Professor, Örebro University, Sweden
Marios Argyrides, Associate Professor, Neapolis University Cyprus, Cyprus
Constantina Demetriou, Associate Professor, European University Cyprus, Cyprus
Maria Ttofi, Associate Professor, University of Cambridge
Eleonora Papaleontiou-Louca, Associate Professor European University Cyprus, Cyprus
Charis Xinaris, Associate Professor, European University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Georgios Vleiora, Assistant Professor, University of Thessaly, Greece
Panagiota Demetropoulou, Assistant Professor, University of Crete, Greece
Maria Petridou, Lecturer, Theological School of the Church of Cyprus, Cyprus
Vasiliki Christodoulou, Lecturer, UCLan University, Cyprus
Ioulia Televantou, Lecturer, European University Cyprus, Cyprus
Filomena Parada, Researcher, Lusófona University, Portugal
Katerina Eckstein, Research Associate, University of Jena & University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Kyriakos Charalampous, Theological School of the Church of Cyprus & University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Despina Kouali, Theological School of the Church of Cyprus, Cyprus

The St Raphael Resort
St. Raphael Resort is located on one of the most renowned beaches in Limassol, only a short coastal drive from the lively centre of town, approximately 10 minutes away.

Limassol, a city counting centuries of history, is located between two of the most renowned ancient kingdoms of the island, Amathous at the east and Kourion at the west.

Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean with an area of 9.251 sq. kms. Cyprus has 5 lovely Botanical Gardens that one can visit and spend a relaxing day.
2024 EARA Travel Awards in Cyprus (20 Bursaries)
The European Association of Research on Adolescence (EARA) will provide 20 Travel Awards (Bursaries) of 250€ each for Young Scholars/Early Career Researchers attending the 19th EARA conference in Limassol, Cyprus, September 25-28, 2024.
Eligibility criteria
- To be an EARA member (if you are not a member, please sign up using the link below, or if you need to renew your membership, you can follow the online procedure https://www.earaonline.org/membership/joinrenew/
- To be a young scholar/early career researcher (i.e., those who are currently working on pre-doctorate levels or have obtained their doctoral degree within the last two years)
- To be the first/presenting author of an abstract (poster, oral presentation, or symposium presentation) accepted for presentation at the EARA conference in Limassol.
- Young Scholars/Early Career Researchers from all countries can apply. However, priority will be given to applicants with a limited budget and/or applicants from low-income countriesa.
- Previous Travel Grant awardees can apply. However, priority will be given to those who have not received any EARA travel grant.
How to apply?
Please complete the online form ( https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1OXc7IirpjawZ3APls-3snT0wlUDTS9RWYBaUcrf2P9s/edit). An overview of all the required documents is listed below.
Deadline to submit application: 30th of April 2024.
All submissions will be evaluated by the travel award committee, which will select the 2024 EARA Travel Grant awardees based on the eligibility criteria.
All applicants will be notified of the results by May 20th, 2024. The travel grants will be awarded during the conference.
Required documents (please add this information to the relevant fields outlined in the google form).
– Brief narrative CV including education, academic achievements, and research interests (max 500 words)
– Motivation statement (max 300 words)
– Estimated costs statement (max 250 words)
a Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, East Timor, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, India, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Moldova, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, South Sudan, Sudan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Togo, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
In collaboration with the Early Career Researcher committee, the European Association of Research on Adolescence (EARA) will assign the Best Poster Awards at the 19th EARA Conference in Limassol, Cyprus, September 25-28, 2024.
Eligibility criteria for Best Poster Awards Application:
– To be an EARA member (if you are not a member, please sign up using the link below, or if you need to renew your membership, you can follow the online procedure https://www.earaonline.org/membership/joinrenew/
– To be a doctoral student
– To have your poster accepted for presentation at the EARA 2024 Conference in Cyprus.
How to apply?
First, please complete the online form (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeX2aCQLawS5TibWraD8V9bUna6B2ElIPxelzVx7a9SvVyTzQ/viewform?usp=sf_link).
Deadline to apply: 21st of July 2024
Selection process
The Best Posters Award Committee will evaluate all submissions and select the 2024 EARA Best Poster Awardees based on eligibility criteria, research innovation, and poster appearance.
Winners’ announcement
The winning 2024 EARA Best Poster Awardees will be announced during the closing ceremony of the 19th EARA conference on Saturday, September 28th. Winners will receive an award certificate and a free extension of their EARA membership for two additional years.


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