Paper and Poster Preparation

Paper and Poster preparation

Invited Symposiums, Symposiums & Thematic Sessions

These three types of presentations are allowed for a 75 minute session.

The chair will briefly present the theme of the symposium, introduce the presenters, and ensure that time limits are strictly observed. Each presenter ensures that he/she keeps the time allocated to him/her and completes the presentation within the time-limits. The discussant (optional) provides an overview and comments on the papers. The chair should be prepared to lead, stimulate, and coordinate questions and open discussion with the audience.

Due to the fact that Invited Symposiums, Symposiums & Thematic Sessions might have 3 – 5 presenters we suggest the following time-limits:

Number of papers

Chair Time allocation

Each paper



3 papers

5 min introduction

15 min

25 min

4 papers

5 min introduction

12 min

22 min

5 papers

5 min introduction

10 min

20 min


Thematic Sessions

Individual paper presentations will be grouped thematically into a Thematic Session (4 -5 papers). One of the presenters will be given the role of the chair and he/she has to coordinate the session as have been described above.

Individual Paper preparation

Presenters are asked to bring their presentation on a USB in PowerPoint or PDF format. You will need to transfer your file to the computer prior to the start of the session. We are unable to accept presentations on personal laptops given the technical complication of the equipment. Please contact us at the registration desk in case you require special arrangements (e.g. use of a personal computer with specific software).

Poster Preparation

Posters are individual, free-standing research presentations. They are the appropriate format when material can be explained briefly, is suited for graphic or visual presentation, and/or the presenter would benefit from high levels of interaction and discussion.

Each poster occupies high poster boards. Please ensure that your poster is sized A0 84 cm wide by 119 cm high. Pushpins will be provided.

Poster printing in Cyprus is provided. Please check the registration portal.

Posters that could be grouped thematically into Thematic Poster Sessions will assign a discussant (4 to 8 posters) otherwise they can be presented in the usual free-standing mode.  Total time allowed for the session: 60 minutes.

Thematic Poster Sessions

In front of a poster you design, you have 3-5 minutes to present your research to a group of people. Directly following the presentation, 2 minutes are allotted for questions and comments. The discussant provides an overview and comments on the papers and coordinates the discussion with the audience.

Individual visual presentation of 60 minutes. The presenter will stand in front of their poster while attendees move about all posters.