Scientific Program
The EINN 2013 conference scientific program will review new results and developments in the following areas:
- Nucleon form factors and low-energy hadron structure
- Partonic structure of nucleons and nuclei
- Precision electroweak physics with searches for dark photons
- Meson structure
- Baryon and light-meson spectroscopy
- Nuclear effects and few-body physics
In this year's edition, there will also be topical parallel sessions on two timely subjects:
a) Proton radius puzzle
b) Photon-photon physics and its implication for the muon's (g-2)
Click here to download the "Proton Radius Puzzle" Parallel Session Program in pdf format
Click here to download the "Photon-photon physics and its Implication for the muon's (g-2)" Parallel Session Program in pdf format
Conference Schedule
Click here to download the pre-Conference Lectures Program (Mon. 28 Oct.) in pdf format
Click here to download the detailed Conference Scientific Program in pdf format
MON Oct. 28 |
TUE Oct. 29 |
WED Oct. 30 |
THU Oct. 31 |
FRI Nov. 01 |
SAT Nov. 02 |
09:00 10:30 | Lectures | Conference Talks | Conference Talks | Conference Talks | Conference Talks | Conference Talks |
10:30 11:00 | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | Coffee Break |
11:00 13:00 | Lectures | Conference Talks | Conference Talks | Conference Talks | Conference Talks | Conference Talks |
13:00 16:00 | Lunch & Break | Lunch & Break | Lunch & Break | Lunch & Break | Lunch & Break | Farewell Lunch |
16:00 17:30 | Lectures | Parallel Session Talks | Parallel Session Talks | Parallel Session Talks |
14:30 - 22:30 Afternoon Excursion & Conference Dinner |
17:30 17:45 | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | |||
17:45 18:00 | Lectures | Poster Sessions with wine and cheese |
18:00 19:15 | Parallel Session Talks | Oral Present. 3 best posters |
19:30 20:30 | RECEPTION |
Click here to download the Conference Schedule in pdf format - Last updated: 23 September 2013