
Click on a workshop name to view the co-ordinators and description of the workshop.

1. Collaborative Housing

Working Group Co-ordinators

Henrik Larsen
Department of Human Geography, Lund University, Sweden

Richard Lang
Johannes Kepler University Linz, Institute of Innovation Management, Linz, Austria

Darinka Czischke
Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Department of Management in the Built Environment (MBE), Delft, The Netherlands

Claire Carriou
University of Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, Interdisciplinatary Laboratory on urban studies
Mosaïques – UMR LAVUE (7218), Paris, France

Special Workshop Session Co-ordinators

Richard Lang
Johannes Kepler University Linz, Institute of Innovation Management, Linz, Austria

Collaborative housing in and beyond unstable contexts


Special session: “The history of housing cooperatives”

The co-ordinators of the ENHR working group Collaborative Housing invite abstracts related but not limited to this year’s ENHR conference topic, with a particular focus on the links between collaborative housing forms and housing in unstable contexts. “Collaborative housing” is an umbrella term that encompasses a variety of housing forms with different degrees of collective self-organization and formalisation. Central to this type of housing is the presence of a significant level of collaboration amongst (future) residents, and between them and external actors and/or stakeholders, with a view to realising the housing project (Czischke, Carriou & Lang, 2020); Lang, Carriou & Czischke, 2018). Collaborative housing initiatives have often provided important responses to housing shortages and displacement, especially in (post-)war and economic crisis periods. This crucial role has been confirmed in the aftermath of the Global Economic and Financial Crisis of 2008, which has seen community-based housing initiatives fighting urban decline and housing exclusion through practices such as commoning or taking over vacant homes. Against this background the working group welcomes abstracts addressing questions, such as the following:

  • What role does collaborative housing play in locations affected by crises, conflicts and different forms of housing exclusion?
  • How can we grasp collaborative housing in responses to gentrification, commodification, housing evictions and welfare state retrenchment? What are short-term and long-term effects of collaborative housing initiatives for those involved, the wider neighbourhood and the city? What is their potential to influence housing and social policy and to what extent are collaborative housing initiatives themselves influenced by and embedded in political discourses and agendas?
  • How can we conceptualise the relation between collaborative housing and urban social movements that are addressing housing issues, such as ‘‘Right to the City’’? (How) can collaborative housing address issues of social inclusion and social justice?

In general, the working group focuses on six central themes:

1. Wider social, economic and technological trends underpinning contemporary collaborative housing initiatives

Work within this theme addresses the overarching societal trends that may be driving current collaborative housing initiatives, as well as their mutually shaping relationships. These trends include socio-demographic developments such as ageing, the redefinition of gender roles, the environment and sustainability agenda, new lifestyles, and increasing ethnic diversity. Socio-economic developments to take into account include economic and financial downturns and their impact on housing markets and income levels of the population. Last but not least, papers could address the impact of technological changes such the increasing role of social media in self-organisation, the rise of the smart city paradigm and advances in sustainable construction and domestic/urban recycling systems, amongst others.

2. Organisational dynamics of collaborative housing: management, stakeholders and networks

Work within this theme addresses the variety of ways in which these initiatives and their participants are organised and structured, and how they re-structure as the specific projects progresses. This includes intra-organisational dynamics and the changing role(s) of professionals working with residents’ groups in collaborative housing. It also looks at wider stakeholder relationships, networks and collaboration arrangements in which these initiatives take place.

3. Links between collaborative housing initiatives and wider policy and institutional frameworks

Work within this theme deals with the degrees and types of embeddedness of collaborative housing initiatives in wider policy, legal and institutional frameworks in their respective countries. Furthermore, papers in this theme could explore the relationship between collaborative housing and other/adjacent housing fields and sectors (e.g. social housing, non-profit housing), and related sectors and policy fields (e.g. social care, social enterprises, socio-political movements).

4. Collaborative housing, urban planning and neighbourhood dynamics

Work within this theme deals with the connections, synergies and tensions between the proliferation of collaborative housing initiatives and the wider neighbourhood and urban scales. Papers may focus on specific (public) promotion programs for collaborative housing in different countries or planning/developer competition programmes targeting collaborative housing models. Further, contributions may focus on the role of intermediaries and sector umbrellas in accelerating the promotion of these types of housing.

5. Epistemological frameworks, methods and ethics in collaborative housing research

Work within this theme reflects on the specific epistemological and methodological (quantitative and qualitative) frameworks that are most useful to research the different aspects of collaborative housing. In addition, it takes into account ethical considerations of potentially invasive methodologies used in this field (e.g. action research, participant observation, longitudinal ethnographic research, etc.). Such ethical questions relate to the boundaries between normative and empirical aspects of this research and the role of the researcher as militant/advocate and scientist.

6. Theoretical perspectives on collaborative housing research

Papers are also welcome to elaborate on the applicability of theories from a range of disciplines to understanding the different dimensions of collaborative housing, including but not limited to social network theory, innovation theory, institutional theory, management and organisational theories, transitions theories, etc.

Special workshop session: “The history of housing cooperatives”

In addition to the central CfA of this working group (above) this year the workshop coordinators would like to convene a special workshop session on the history of housing cooperatives. This special session (or sessions) will be co-ordinated by Jardar Sørvoll (Oslo Metropolitan University) and Richard Lang (Johannes Kepler University Linz). The main goal of this workshop session(s) is to unpack the potential of historical perspectives and methodologies for the emerging research field of collaborative housing research. It should help us develop a better understanding of factors that led to present configurations of welfare and housing policies, conditions on housing markets, as well as actor configurations and practices in housing fields. In that sense, “taking a long view” (Flanagan & Jacobs 2019) also highlights why certain intended outcomes have not been achieved and what lessons need to be learned for the future.

The present re-emergence of collaborative housing (Czischke et al. 2020; Hagbert, Larsen, Thörn, & Wasshede, 2019) is a reminder that organisational models and practices in housing change over time. Cooperatives as the internationally most widespread and oldest collaborative housing model serve as a good example to study such institutional change. In some countries, housing cooperatives have moved away from their historical roots as community-based organisations that were created as a response to uncertainties and instabilities on housing markets. However, over time, they increasingly incorporated elements of public or market-based provision and thus gradually scaled back resident participation (see, for instance, Sørvoll & Bengtsson 2018). In recent years, a new generation of cooperative actors has emerged on the housing scene across Europe. Those initiatives and organisations are committed to a revival of traditional cooperative principles of democratic, member-based governance as well as autonomy and independence as self-help organisations. Therefore, the term “cooperative” should also not be limited to legally incorporated “cooperatives” but is conceived here in a wider sense as member-based organisations which are governed according to cooperative principles.

For this special workshop, we welcome contributions that apply historically-sensitive research approaches to analyse questions such as the following,

  • How and why does the meaning and configuration of cooperative housing change over time in and between places. What are underlying forces for converging and diverging tendencies in Europe and other parts of the world?
  • How have cooperative housing sectors interacted with other housing fields? How have political institutions and discourses shaped cooperative housing?
  • How have experiments and reassembling of past ideas influenced contemporary cooperative and collaborative housing practice (see, for instance, Thompson 2018)?
  • What can we learn from history of housing policy and housing markets in policy-oriented research in respect to cooperative housing? (see also “The long view” Special Issue in Journal of Housing Studies in 2019).
  • Previous research has pointed to many of the benefits of historical approaches, but what about the challenges and pitfalls?
  • What explains the rise and fall of cooperative housing movements in the past? How may present collaborative housing movements avoid past mistakes and emulate the successes of past housing experiments?

Depending on the response to this call and quality of submissions, the special workshop conveners will also explore the possibility of a joint publication project.


Czischke, D., Carriou, C., & Lang, R. (2020). Collaborative Housing in Europe: Conceptualizing the field. Housing, Theory and Society. DOI: 10.1080/14036096.2020.1703611 (in press)

Flanagan, K. & Jacobs, K. (2019) ‘The long view’: Introduction for Special Edition of Housing Studies. Housing Studies, 34:2, 195-200, DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2019.1558592

Hagbert, P., Larsen, H. G., Thörn, H., & Wasshede, C. (eds.). (2019). Contemporary Co-housing in Europe: Towards Sustainable Cities? (Open access). London: Routledge.

Lang, R., Carriou, C. & Czischke, D. (2018) Collaborative housing research (1990-2017): a systematic review and thematic analysis of the field. Housing, Theory and Society, DOI: 10.1080/14036096.2018.1536077.

Sørvoll, J. & Bengtsson, B. (2018) Mechanisms of Solidarity in Collaborative Housing – The Case of Co-operative Housing in Denmark 1980–2017. Housing, Theory and Society, DOI: 10.1080/14036096.2018.1467341

Thompson, M (2018) From Co-Ops to Community Land Trusts: Tracing the Historical Evolution and Policy Mobilities of Collaborative Housing Movements. Housing, Theory and Society, DOI: 10.1080/14036096.2018.1517822

2. Disadvantaged Urban Neighborhoods and Communities


Eva Andersson
Stockholm University, Department of Human Geography, Sweden

Mark Livingston
University of Glasgow, Urban Studies, School of Social and Political Sciences, Scotland

Description of the Working Group

This working group focuses on urban neighbourhoods and local communities. We are interested in the social mechanisms behind and the implications of concentrated poverty and deprivation, segregation between various socio-economic groups, and broader social inequalities between residents. Other topics of interest are social networks, social capital or social cohesion, and neighbourhood effects, as well as policies targeting these matters, such as social mix and de-concentration policies. In the absence of the working group on residential mobility we would welcome papers that examine the relationship between neighbourhoods and migration, with a focus on neighbourhood sorting and neighbourhood dynamics. Another focus concerns the question how neighbourhoods and their residents deal with the impacts of macro trends such as welfare state retrenchment, austerity regimes, and budget cuts.

While quantitative modelling has become prominent in the workshop, we very much welcome qualitative research. Furthermore, we are particularly keen to discuss new approaches focussing on analysis of register data, (linked) open data and social media feeds, specialised evaluation approaches (e.g. realist evaluation) and mixed-methods designs that innovatively combine qualitative and quantitative approaches. The workshop has always maintained very high standards in the research it selects and it is intended that this approach will continue.

Plans for the Workshop in Nicosia

The Disadvantaged Urban Neighbourhoods and Communities Working Group will convene its next workshop at the ENHR Conference, to be held in Nicosia, Cyprus, 30 August – 02 September 2021. We encourage you to consider joining us. 

Suitable papers would fit with a variety of broad themes: such as the social mechanisms behind and the implications of concentrated poverty and deprivation; segregation between various socio-economic groups; and broader social inequalities between residents. Other topics of interest are: social networks; social capital or social cohesion; neighbourhood effects; as well as policies targeting these matters, such as social mix and de-concentration policies. Another focus concerns the question how neighbourhoods and their residents deal with the impacts of macro trends such as: welfare state retrenchment; austerity regimes; and budget cuts. Themes such as residential mobility and migration with a focus on neighbourhood sorting and neighbourhood dynamics are also welcome.

The workshop will follow the format used in the previous workshops in this series: abstract and draft manuscripts submitted in advance of the meeting, and time for comments and discussion of the presentation.

3. Housing and Living Conditions of Ageing Populations


Marianne Abramsson
Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University, Sweden

Blanca Deusdad
University Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain

Description of the Working Group

The central concern of this working group is the housing and living conditions of older people. We welcome contributions that discuss the housing situation, housing preferences, housing possibilities and options of older people as well as policies and other related issues that from different perspectives discuss the housing and living conditions of older people.

Plans for the Workshop in Nicosia

The working group Housing and living conditions welcome contributions to the ENHR 2021 conference in Nicosia on topics relevant to the theme of the working group. That is, papers on different aspects of the housing situation of older people. The housing situation of some groups of older people is precarious and studies within this field capture the theme of the conference in Nicosia; Unsettled settlements: Housing in unstable contexts. Papers that align with the theme of the conference are particularly welcome.

4. Housing Finance


Andreja Cirman
Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Michael Voigtländer
Institut der Deutschen Wirtshaft Köln, Cologne, Germany

Central theme of the Working Group

  • To initiate and stimulate research in housing finance: mortgage systems, mortgage loan types, debt, developer finance, risk management; financing social housing and green buildings; regulation and government involvement;
  • To support the publication of research analyses and findings;
  • To ensure an effective network among researchers; and
  • To support the dissemination of knowledge about housing finance, mortgage systems, policy change and market development.

Plans for the Working Group in Nicosia

We plan to run a workshop in Nicosia. All submissions in the broad field of housing finance (e.g. mortgage systems, financing of green or social housing, regulation and government involvement) are welcomed.

5. Housing in Developing Countries


Yurdanur Dûgleroğlu (contact person)
Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey

Kosta Mathéy
GLOBUS, Global Urban Studies, Berlin, Germany

Claudio Acioly Jr
United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-HABITAT, Nairobi, Kenya

Gülden Erkut
Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, TURKEY

Central theme
Future population growth (more than 80 per cent of it in urban areas) will be concentrated in developing countries where substandard and informal housing has been predominant for long. Yet the explosive growth of urbanization in the developing world has not been matched by a commensurate growth in the supply of decent housing. The shortcomings of policy, lack of political will, limitations of housing finance, poor land management in urban areas, lack of security of tenure, and lack of infrastructure and services are just some of the issues that confront citizens and policy-makers in developing countries, and indicate an urgent need for research, analysis and action.

Sub themes
The group supports a transdisciplinary approach to housing and urban issues, considering for example:

  • Environmental pollution by crowding and intense construction
  • Resource scarcity (financial, economical, etc.)
  • Support to socio-cultural identities
  • Homelessness and unaffordability of urban housing
  • Global Urbanization dynamics
  • Squatter settlements and gated communities
  • Diversity of needs for urban housing typology
  • Urban transformation to allow renewal of urban housing stock and to offer the residents to get old in their same home environments
  • Collective self-help and local government practices

These issues require complementary resource mobilisation by governments and the private sector. Social and political negotiation processes need to moderated to mediate conflicting demands on urban land and/or services for housing and commercial development especially promoted by international investors. A fair assessment of claims and negotiation results can only rely on joint research of  scholars, intellectuals and housing practitioners. Thus the search for future liveable cities seems most urgent in the urban areas of the developing world since they are most affected by the crises and require the integration of projects into policies most urgently.

The WT supports activities to encourage wider participation in the group such as   editing of collections and journal special issues, research collaboration, and network  activities in addition to the main ENHR conference events. Current international priority to the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals offers a range of opportunities for research and collaboration.  The framework for operationalizing the New Urban Agenda and action-oriented recommendations on Sustainable Development Goal 11 (particularly the target 11.1 for affordable housing and slum upgrading) is also a focus of interest.

Recent activities
The WG Co-ordinators regularly host workshops at ENHR annual conferences, most recently in Athens, 2019. The group continues to focus on the centrality of housing to the growth of urbanization in the developing nations, including issues of policy and politics, finance, land management, security of tenure, and lack of infrastructure and services. These are just some of the issues that confront citizens and policy-makers in developing countries, and provide a strong theme for research, analysis and action.

During 2018-19, the working group co-ordinators completed their collaborative project on the New Urban Agenda and Housing Development in Istanbul, funded by the British Academy (Newton Mobility Fund) and led by Professors Gülden Erkut and Isobel Anderson. Team members held a final project meeting in Istanbul in February 2019 and a journal article is in preparation.

Members of the co-ordination team (Yurdanur Dûgleroğlu, Kosta Mathey and Isobel Anderson) co-ordinated the workshop at the ENHR 2019 conference in Athens, Greece, 27-30 August.

2019 also saw the launch of the African Research Network for Urbanization and Habitable Cities, hosted at the Centre for Sustainable Housing and Development, University of Lagos. Co-ordinator Isobel Anderson was a UK partner in the bid for the network, which is funded through the UK Global Challenges Research Fund Partnership Programme for Capacity Building in collaboration with the African Research University Alliance (ARUA). Kosta Mathéy visited the Lagos Partner with support from the Volkswagen foundation.

Towards the end of 2019, the WG received the very sad news of the passing of our fellow co-ordinator, Chris Watson. Chris was one of the longest standing members of ENHR, from its founding conference in Gävle, and from the founding of this working group in Istanbul. He was hugely encouraging of colleagues’ research in lower income countries and a great mentor to many. He is sadly missed.

Future plans
The WG plan to co-ordinate a workshop session at the ENHR Nicosia conference 2021 and encourage abstracts from potential participants with related interests. The co-ordination team recognise the challenges some potential participants from developing countries face in obtaining visas and funding to attend the ENHR events, even when submitted abstracts are accepted. They will seek to maintain communication with participants in the lead-up to the conference, in order to plan the workshop sessions as effectively as possible.

6. Housing Law


Michel Vols (main contact)
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Faculty of Law, Groningen, The Netherlands

Maria Olinda Garcia
Coimbra University, Faculty of Law, Coimbra, Portugal

Padraic Kenna
School of Law, College of Business, Public Policy and Law, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland

Description of the Working Group

The general aims of the group are to promote dialogue and European research on the importance of law, rights and regulation to all aspects of housing, land and planning. These objectives continue to be very broad to accommodate national differences. Besides their political, social, and economic implications, housing, land and planning are profoundly influenced by varying national legal environments. International exchange in this area has always been handicapped by quite different national approaches and traditional groupings of legal and socio-legal expertise, despite drives towards European harmonization have not explicitly dealt with land law, but affect this strongly. This group aims to promote exchange and debate between people in the same area as well as promoting understanding of the multiple types of relevant law. Legal, economic, sociological and philosophical theories are welcome, as well as sociological empirical work on the implementation of law, to improve understanding and expertise across borders.

Plans for the Workshop in Nicosia

The Housing Law Working Group aims to organise a number of workshops during the conference in Nicosia.

7. Joint workshop: Governing metropolis – land and housing

Note: The Land Markets and Housing Policy / Metropolitan Dynamics: Urban Change, Markets and Governance working groups are merged for ENHR 2020.


Willem Korthals Altes
OTB – Research for the Built Environment, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

Berit Nordahl
Department of Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning, Norwegian University of Life Science, Aas, Norway

Iván Tosics
Metropolitan Research Institute, Budapest, Hungary

Christiane Thouzellier
Interdisciplinary Laboratory on Solidarities, Societies, Territories LISST, (UTM-CNRS-EHESS) UMR 5193 and Recherche Habitat-Logement (REHAL), University of Toulouse – Le Mirail, Toulouse, France


Plans for the Workshop in Nicosia

Welcome to this workshop on land, housing and governance in metropolitan areas. This is the workshop for researchers who are interested in two of the ENHR Working Groups: Metropolitan Dynamics: Urban Change, Markets and Governance; and Land Markets and Housing Policy.

The analysis of housing policies and policies for land for housing must take the metropolitan context into account. On one side, the dynamics of metropolitan areas involve powerful mechanisms of price formation, spatial distribution, wealth distribution and variations in livability and social cohesion. On the other side metropolitan areas are also breeding ground for new initiatives and the rethinking of established policies and habits. All over Europe we see new initiatives within the area of housing and land use. Besides all this the recent covid crisis raised new issues about urban density which can also best handled with metropolitan level policies.

Our ambition with this joint workshop (which might lead to the merger of the two working groups) is to establish an arena for scholarly and practical discussions which depart on and take account of metropolitan dynamics. Under this umbrella we welcome papers on metropolitan housing policy initiatives across Europe, papers on land market dynamics and papers addressing land markets institutions, policy, actors and tools. Our aim is to conduct multi-disciplinary analysis, how housing processes can be steered with governance and spatial planning tools in urban areas – not necessarily on metropolitan area level but giving priority to the spatial dimension.

We are waiting for your abstracts for this most urban-oriented workshop of the ENHR’2020 conference in Nicosia!

Willem Korthals Altes, Berit Nordahl, Christiane Thouzellier, Iván Tosics

8. Minority Ethnic Groups and Housing


Gideon Bolt (main contact)
Urban and Regional Research Centre Utrecht, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Rikke Skovgaard Nielsen
Danish Building Research Institute (SBi), Aalborg University Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

Description of the Working Group

This workshop will be organized by the ENHR working group entitled ‘’ Minority Ethnic Groups and Housing’’. The group has been established in 1993 and since then has organised workshops during almost all ENHR Conferences. Our workshops have regularly led to joint publications either in the form of special issues (e.g. for Housing Studies, Urban Studies, Housing Theory and Society, and Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies), or edited books.

The central theme(s) of the Working Group are:

(a) Housing conditions, housing preferences and residential mobility of minority ethnic groups

(b) Concentration and segregation of minority ethnic groups

(c) Living in multicultural neighbourhoods.

We welcome papers that fit in these theme(s) and based on either qualitative or quantitative research (or a combination of both).  For the ENHR 2020 conference in Nicosia, we especially welcome papers that try to link the themes of the workshop to the overall theme of the conference (Unsettled Settlements: Housing in Unstable Contexts), by focusing on one of the following issues:

  • Displacement and evictions: An increasing number of households are evicted as a consequence of mortgage insolvency and rent arrears. Next to that, households are displaced as a consequence of urban renewal, gentrification, and policies to counter segregation and parallel societies. Some minority ethnic groups are subject to a higher risk of displacement than the general population. Papers could, for instance, focus on the explanation for the rise of the number of evictions, the coping mechanisms of displaced households or on social movements struggling for the right to housing.
  • Informal settlements: An informal settlement is any human settlement where housing has been constructed without the requisite permits or legal  title  for  use  of  the  land. Some minority groups are relying on informal housing options due their comprised legal status or due to a long history of exclusion (e.g. Roma). Papers could focus on how people experience living in these settlements and how policies could address the issue of informal settlements
  • Affordability: Social housing is declining in most European countries and the housing market is increasingly privatized. Combined with austerity measures during the economic crisis this had led to affordability problems. The share of poor households paying too much for housing has increased almost everywhere and has even doubled in some countries (e.g. Spain, Portugal and Ireland). Papers could provide insight into the question how the affordability crisis has affected specific ethnic minority groups.

If we attract a substantial number of papers that make a link with the above themes, we will take the initiative for a special issue.

9. Policy and Research


Jaana Nevalainen
Ministry of Environment, Housing and Building Department, P.O. Box 35, 00023 Government, Finland

Steffen Wetzstein
University of Erfurt, Brandt School of Public Policy, Erfurt, Germany

Description of the Working Group

TThe ENHR WG on Policy and Research was re-launched in July 2014 under the auspices of the ENHR co-ordination committee with the aim to provide a platform for exchange and mutual learning between researchers, policy makers and practitioners involved in housing across Europe. Rather than carrying out regular workshops and/or issuing calls for papers annually, this working group aims to act transversely cross the existing thematic ENHR working groups in a co-ordinating and enabling capacity. The aim is to organise a panel discussion or a dialogic plenary session or a dialogic working group session where policy makers and researchers can discuss a given housing related topic and/or other collaborative activities every second year.

Plans for the workshop in Nicosia

The working group will focus on current housing affordability crisis combined with its outcomes such as housing instability, displacements and mobility, social unrest and the lack of security in housing.

10. Private Rented Markets


Aideen Hayden
University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

Paddy Gray
Centre for Research in Property, School of the Built Environment, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland

Description of the Working Group

The Private Rented Markets working group provide the opportunity to present papers and to engage in stimulating and challenging discussion on the role and contribution of private rented housing markets. Private renting has emerged in this recent decade as a tenure of expansion. The working group examines private renting as a distinct element within the housing market and its intersection with other aspects of the market. Research themes include:

  • Characteristics of rental markets in Europe, USA and Asia-Pacific
  • The interface of tenures, homeownership, private renting and social renting
  • The regulation of Private Rented Markets
  • Supply and financing of Private Rented Housing
  • Private rented housing as a means of social inclusion and promoting social mix
  • Emerging private rented markets
  • Private Rented Markets and mixed tenure housing
  • Informal rental markets, challenges presented by licencing, sharing, student housing
  • Low income households and private rented markets
  • New immigrant communities and private rented accommodation
  • The role of private rented markets and homelessness
  • Dispute resolution between landlords and tenants
  • Quality, standards, management and affordability of private rented dwellings
  • Landlord behaviour and decision-making

Plans for the Workshop in Nicosia

In line with this year’s conference the working group particularly welcomes papers on the role of private rented housing in accentuating segregation or promoting inclusion, the role of the sector in respect of migrant communities and themes in respect of the sector and densification.

11. Residential Buildings and Architectural Design


Birgit Jürgenhake
Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, The Netherlands

Ahsen Ozsoy
Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

Maja Lorbek
Vienna University of Technology
Faculty of Architecture / Faculty of Civil Engineering
Vienna, Austria

Description of the Working Group

The main topic of this Working Group has developed from the wide range of architecture–community relationships towards the questions of public space in cities, transformations of an urban tissue under different economic and social conditions, and the development of architectural form. Some themes in research of of interest to members of the Working Group are as follows:

– the development of residential houses under diverse historical, cultural, political, economical circumstances;
– the reflection of socio-economic and cultural characteristics of inhabitants on the spatial arrangement of residential buildings and urban units;
– the sustainability of residential buildings, including the adaptability of buildings and urban units to different programmes and uses;
– social, political and economical forces that shape the form of residential buildings and complexes within cities;
– and architectural and urban design of residential buildings in the process of transformation of cities.

Plans for the Workshop in Nicosia

We would like to invite researchers who are interested in architectural design of residential buildings to participate in the workshop. The focus can be on the interior relationships within a building as well as the buildings´ surrounding. We particularly welcome papers developing the following topics:

  • the analysis of different strategies in the design of residential buildings or their adaptation and transformation;
  • the analysis of development processes that help buildings to be more open and flexible for change of use;
  • the incorporation of local people or prospective inhabitants in the design process;
  • the analysis of public space from the perspective of its value for the residential area;
  • dwelling as a reflection of diverse territorial needs of its inhabitants;
  • cultural differences in the use of dwellings and their direct surrounding; and
  • cultural differences in use of the public, collective and private domains of a residential building.

12. Residential Context of Health


Emma Baker
School of Architecture and Built Environment, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia

Terry Hartig
Institute for Housing and Urban Research, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden

Description of the Working Group

The concerns of the WG extend beyond those traditionally addressed in the housing-and-health field, namely, connections between physical health outcomes and physical characteristics of housing. In addition to such connections, the WG also takes interest in the role of psychological, social and cultural factors in shaping relations between the residential context, including housing, and health more broadly conceived.

Plans for the Workshop in Nicosia

Suitable papers would fit with a variety of themes, such as the effect of physical housing variables on mental and physical health; the role of behavioral, social, and cultural factors in shaping relations between housing and health; the ways in which housing policy can be coordinated with other social welfare policies to more effectively pursue public health objectives; universal design and other strategies for mitigating effects of individual’s functional limitations in the residential context; the delivery of health care services in the home; and gardens, nearby parks and urban green spaces as health resources. Contributions addressing housing-and-health issues that arose during the Covid-19 pandemic are also welcome.

13. Residential Environments and People


Jana Zdrahalova
Czech Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Praha, Czech Republic

Hélène Bélanger
Département d’études urbaines et touristiques, École des sciences de la gestion, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada

Description of the Working Group

Residential environments are designed and restructured by people for people. The relationship between residential environments and people is mutual. Residential environments afford functions for and communicate meanings to people through the ways in which they are shaped, and human beings design functions and attach meanings to residential environments through their everyday life and activities. The working group Residential Environments and People focuses on the relationship between people and residential environments from the perspective of the individual. People’ attitudes, perceptions, preferences, values, choices and evaluations of the features and qualities of residential environments provide us with important information on the ways in which residential environments are used and (re)shaped. Such information may well provide a better understanding of the mechanisms behind residential preference and choice, values associated with residential environments, residential satisfaction, the quality of residential environments, the meaning of place, and the design of residential environments.

Plans for the Workshop in Nicosia

This year workshop will focus on “resilience to uncertainties and instabilities” approached from the individual perspective of people and their residential environment (the dwelling or the neighbourhood). Transformations of the built and social residential environments affect residents’ daily life and their mode of residence. They may cause uncertainties and instabilities in the residential environment through exclusion, segregation, gentrification or ” invisibilisation”. The way people use and (re)shape their environments at different scale are informative on their resistance or resilience to these transformations.

We welcome theoretical and empirical papers on this topic or contributions related to the issues indicated in the description of the Working Group. Selected papers will get a peer review and will be published in a special issue of a scientific journal.

14. Social Housing: Institutions, Organisations and Governance


Gerard van Bortel

Delft University of Technology Delft,Management in the Built Environment, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, The Netherlands

Nicky Morrison

Western Sydney University, Geography and Urban Studies, Australia

This year the working group welcomes abstracts on the full range of topics within the remit of our working group, which includes:

  • Housing as a system / network
  • The dynamics of institutional and organisational transformations in social and affordable housing
  • Governance and regulation of social and affordable housing
  • Partnerships for affordable housing

Connecting with the theme of the ENHR 2021 conference “Unsettled settlements: Housing in unstable contexts”, we welcome papers linking the dynamics of institutional and organisational transformations in social and affordable housing to the diverse manifestations of instability, uncertainty and change. How can we increase the resilience and robustness of affordable housing systems and networks in unstable contexts?

Coordinators for the ENHR 2021 workshop sessions are:


15. Southern European Housing


Thorsten Heitkamp
Faculty of Spatial Planning, Department of Spatial Planning in Europe, TU Dortmund, Germany

Sandra Marques Pereira
DINÂMIA’CET/ ISCTE-IUL, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal /

Dimitra Siatitsa
Department of Geography, Harokopeio University, Athens, Greece

Hector Simon-Moreno
University Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain

Description of the Working Group

The central themes of the Southern European Housing Working Group include but are not limited to the following topics:

  • Local housing markets and global financialization: trends and impacts
  • Housing market paths after the boom – learning from the past, thinking of the future (lessons learnt: dealing with the overstock, new construction versus existing housing stock, territorial impacts, etc.)
  • Vulnerability and affordability of housing: consequences (foreclosures, non-performing mortgages, negative equity, homelessness, etc.), vulnerable groups and coping strategies (individual/familiar versus financial sector, government, civil society movements);
  • Future of social housing: heading towards marginalization or to a more important role in affordable housing provision?
  • Homeownership and renting: changing roles and perceptions
  • Housing law and affordable housing provision: corrective function / preventive function of housing law;
  • Mobility, residential trajectories and territorial dynamics: emerging patterns and regional specificities;
  • Southern European housing models and residential architecture in a global context: special features and in terms of competitiveness they possess;
  • Urban mass tourism and impacts on housing
  • Housing in former overseas territories: coping with difficult framework conditions
  • Housing and the new left: theory and practice in recent years

Plans for the Workshop in Nicosia

We welcome contributions related to the topics indicated in the description of the Working Group.

16. Energy Efficiency, Environmental Sustainability, Sustainable Communities and housing


Montserrat Pareja Eastaway
Department of Economics, Facultat d’Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Jesper Ole Jensen
Aalborg University Copenhagen, Danish Building Research Institute (SBi), Department of Town, Housing and Property, Denmark

Nessa Winston
University College Dublin, School of Applied Social Science, Dublin, Ireland

Ebru Ergöz Karahan
Faculty of Architecture and Design, Özyeğin University, Istanbul, Turkey

Henk Visscher
OTB – Research for the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Catalina Turcu
University College London, Bartlett School of the Built Environment, UK

Description of the Working Group

The Working Group focuses on policies, programs, actions and progress towards achieving sustainable solutions for communities, with housing as a central axis in the topic area, The aim is to more space for discussion and reflection to issues related to housing and urban sustainability. These issues include the following:

  • sustainable communities from an international perspective: policies, programs actions;
  • climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies relating to housing (e.g. flooding and drought management; heat islands);
  • environmental justice and strategies to address the needs of vulnerable groups;
  • low carbon transitions;
  • fuel poverty;
  • smart solutions for sustainable housing and cities;
  • new urbanism;
  • eco-villages; and
  • governance as related to any of the aforementioned issues.

Plans for the Workshop in Nicosia

We welcome contributions related to the topics indicated in the description of the Working Group.

17. Housing and Social Theory


Julie Lawson
Centre for Urban Research, RMIT, Melbourne, Australia, Associate Editor of Housing Theory and Society

Hannu Ruonavaara
Department of Social Research/Sociology, University of Turku, Finland, Editor of Housing Theory and Society

We welcome contributions that progress debates on all theoretical and related methodological aspects of housing research across the social, cultural, economic and behavioural sciences. In this year’s workshop we will be focusing on theoretical insights that engage with the theme of the ENHR conference: settling and unsettling practices and processes; a very appropriate theme in this era of climate change, pandemic and political conflict, that allows for a good range of papers. We would be particularly interested in those engaging theoretically and methodologically with aspects of housing access, allocative processes, security and insecurity, stability, disruption, change and causality which affect housing systems, policy directions and individual households.

18. Housing Market Dynamics


Peter Boelhouwer (main contact)
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Richard Turkington
Housing Vision Limited, UK

Michael Ball
Department of Real Estate & Planning, University of Reading Business School, Reading, Great Britain

Viggo Nordvik
NOVA – Norwegian Social Research, Oslo, Norway

Description of the workshop:

Our well-established workshop welcomes papers which address both the theme of the conference and more general questions relating to housing market dynamics including for example:

• The impact on housing markets of increasing residential densities in urban areas.
• The difficult position of middle-income groups on the housing market.
• The challenge of housing distinct new groups, including the effects of migration.
• Continuing problems of meeting housing shortages in high demand urban areas and the oversupply of housing in shrinking areas.

In all cases we welcome papers which examine policy responses and their impact. The workshop is a highly participative workshop, and all colleagues, at whatever stage of their work, are warmly welcomed to join us.

19. Housing and New Technologies



  • Prof. dr. Michel Vols. University of Groningen. The Netherlands. 
  • Dr. Rosa M. Garcia-Teruel. UNESCO Housing Chair. Rovira i Virgili University. Spain. 

This working group aims to promote dialogues and discussions on the impact of new technologies on housing (research) from an interdisciplinary and comparative perspective.  

Central themes for ENHR 2021 Conference 

Some themes of this working group are the following: 

  • Big data analysis and housing (research). 
  • Distributed ledger technologies (blockchain) in housing. 
  • Real estate crowdfunding. 
  • Proptech. 
  • Housing digital printing.  
  • Internet of Things, robots and connected devices in homes.  
  • 5G Networks in housing. 
  • Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in the housing sector and housing research 
  • Interconnected (smart) cities.