Submission of Paper


  • Format Requirements – Important!!

    GoodIT 2022 will follow the new workflow defined by the ACM called TAPS, so please read the instructions on the ACM page carefully. This new workflow allows to have a final document in both PDF and HTML5 accessible formats.

The main steps to follow are:

1)  Authors prepare their manuscript in the designated single-column format using Word or LaTeX (use the sample-manuscript.tex for submissions). LaTeX users should use \documentclass[manuscript, review]{acmart}

We strongly recommend using the LaTeX template rather than Word (Latex best practices for TAPS). 

2) The authors have to submit a single-column format PDF via hotcrp, which will be evaluated by the reviewers. Once on the hotcrp submission page, you will be able to select the track where to submit your paper.

The review process is single-blind, hence reviewers are anonymous whereas authors do not need to be anonymized on the manuscript.

Quick Links for template

  • Microsoft Word
  • LaTeX (Use sample-manuscript.tex for submissions)
  • Overleaf (or search for: ACM Conference Proceedings Primary Article)

3)  Upon conditional acceptance of an article, authors revise their manuscript and submit publication-ready source files (Word or LaTeX) to TAPS (no hotcrp). We will announce further instructions after the papers submission deadline.

  • Papers length

Full papers (main track and special tracks): papers must not exceed 11 single-column pages, including including figures, tables, and references (previously, 6 pages double-columns).

Work in Progress and PhD Track Papers: papers must not exceed 9 single-column pages, including including figures, tables, and references (previously, 4 pages double-columns).