R E G I S T R A T I O N 

Online registration is open

Registrations will be done online through www.easyconferences.org. Participants may pay instantly using their credit card (VISA/MASTERCARD), or they may choose to pay through the bank. A one-stop-shop software is used for the whole registration process, www.easyconferences.org. The whole process is easy to use, secure, and can be completed in a few minutes.

Please note that the software provides participants with the possibility to complete the registration process in steps/periodically; participants may register for the conference and return later to book and pay for further services like accommodation, taxi transfers, etc (subject to availability). The system will accept unlimited changes/updates up to the closing of the online registration process before the start of the conference.


Create Account

Create a “Easy Conferences” account

Verify your e-mail

Activate your account by clicking on the activation link sent to you.

Log in and register

After verifying your e-mail, you can log in to register for the conference

Create Order

Create and settle securely your order through the online credit card payment method

Direct link to registration page: https://www.easyconferences.org/isnps2022/info


Early Registration
Up to 25 April, 2022
Regular Registration
26 April - 27 May, 2022
Late Registration
From 28 May, 2022
Normal €500 €550 €600
ISNPS/Bernoulli Society Members €450 €500 €550
Student €300 €350 €400
Reduced €300 €350 €400


All speakers and poster presenters must register ON or BEFORE 25 April, 2022. Registration of speakers and poster presenters will allow us to streamline the program that will involve multiple parallel sessions.

*People who qualify for Reduced registration are

  • Full time students (Participants who register with Student rates must submit a copy of official status letter/ID during registration).
  • Permanent residents of developing countries; the list of countries has been determined by the IMS Council, and is available at this link.
  • Retired Academics

– The registration fee covers the following for each registered participant

  • Admission to all talks
  • Conference bag / material
  • Admission to welcome reception
  • All coffee breaks as per Conference program
  • All Lunches as per Conference Program
  • Conference Dinner

– Registration will only be confirmed upon full payment.

– All rates are quoted in Euro and include taxes.

– Onsite registration will be available during the Conference for participants NOT presenting their work.