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Abstract submission

MPU 2022 abstract submissions must follow the below guidelines:

  • Formats: Either Oral or Poster
  • 2 topics must be selected in the submission system (detailed list)
  • Abstract length: Max 250 words
  • Use the provided Word template (download here)
  • Indicate poster award participation (in the submission system – Posters only)

Further down the page you can find detailed instructions on how to submit your abstract.

How to Submit

Submissions will be made using the EasyAcademia.org submission system. Before you start the submission process, please read through the submission guidelines below.

Important: Options you select or information you input in the submission steps are only temporarily saved, please visit the final Summary step and submit otherwise the information may be lost. You can always visit back later and update your submission if required. For questions regarding the submission process please contact EasyConferences at support@easyconferences.org


  • Create an “EasyAcademia” account through www.easyacademia.org
  • Activate your account by clicking on the activation link sent to your email.
    Note: Please check your Spam folder if you have not received the email within a few minutes.
  • Log into www.easyacademia.org/mpu2022, using the login details you provided at the beginning.
  • Click on Start a new submission on the top right to enter the submission process.
  • Select an appropriate format (Oral / Poster contribution)
  • Enter the appropriate information in the Title step.
  • Enter your Abstract text (max length: 250 words) in the following step. Only text is allowed.
  • Under Authors please input details for each author of the paper. At least one author must be marked for each type of role available (presenter, corresponding).
    Note: Only authors marked as correspondents will receive updates and information regarding the submission.
  • Select up to 2 topics most applicable to your submission.
  • In the Upload step, you can select and upload the relevant file for your abstract (Word). Click on the upload abstract button on the right, locate the file on your device and click ok.
  • Under Summary you may check the details of the submission. If you wish to go back to a section in order to change details, just click on the appropriate step on the left.
  • If you are happy with the summary information, please click on Submit Now to finalize the process. A notification e-mail will be sent to the correspondents.

Topics of interest

  • Abiotic stresses
  • Invasive pathogens and new emerging plant diseases
  • Genome analysis: applications to plant health
  • Plant pathology and food safety
  • Molecular pathogen-host interactions
  • Epidemiology and modeling
  • Microbiomes and their role in plant health
  • Integrated Disease Management
  • New tools in plant disease diagnosis and management
  • Climate change: impact on Mediterranean plant pathology
  • Biocontrol, natural compounds and plant defense stimulants
  • Wood diseases in fruit and forest crops in the Mediterranean area
  • Remote detection and surveillance (monitoring) of plant diseases
  • Xylella fastidiosa research in Europe
  • Innovative approaches for plant disease resistance
  • Emerging mycotoxins in Mediterranean crops: prevention and control
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