The Abstract Submission Guide

Understand the Conference Requirements

Before writing your abstract, carefully review the conference’s submission guidelines. These typically include:

Word Count

Most conferences have a strict word limit for abstracts, often between 150-300 words.


Many conferences specify a particular structure for abstracts, such as Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.


Before writing your abstract, carefully review the conference’s submission guidelines. These typically include:

Your Headline Text


Your title should be informative and concise, summarizing the main topic of your research. It should attract attention while providing a clear indication of your study’s content.

Good Example: “Impact of Climate Change on Marine Biodiversity in the Mediterranean Sea”

Bad Example: “Environmental Study”


Briefly introduce the research topic, its importance, and the specific question or hypothesis your study addresses.

“Climate change poses significant threats to marine biodiversity. This study investigates the impact of rising sea temperatures on the species composition and health of marine ecosystems in the Mediterranean Sea.”


Describe the methods and techniques used to conduct your research. Be specific but concise.

“We conducted a longitudinal study over five years, analyzing temperature data, species population surveys, and health indicators of key marine species.


Summarize the key findings of your research. Focus on the most significant data that supports your conclusions.

“Our results indicate a 20% decline in the population of cold-water species and a significant increase in invasive warm-water species. Additionally, coral bleaching events have doubled in frequency.”


State the implications of your findings and how they contribute to the broader field of study.

“The study highlights the urgent need for mitigation strategies to protect marine biodiversity. Our findings provide critical insights for policymakers and conservationists working to combat the effects of climate change on marine ecosystems.”

Proofread and Edit

Review your abstract multiple times for clarity, conciseness, and adherence to the submission guidelines. It’s helpful to have a colleague review your abstract for feedback.

Does the abstract adhere to the word limit?
Is the structure clear and logical?
Are there any grammatical errors?