Nicosia – Architecture

Architectural InfluencesNicosia

From ancient times to the present day, Nicosia’s buildings tell the story of the civilizations that have left their mark on this resilient city. Let’s embark on a journey through the ages to explore the evolution of Nicosia’s architecture, focusing on the materials used and the characteristics of a typical classic house.

Ancient and Medieval Architecture

The architectural history of Nicosia can be traced back to its ancient roots. During the Classical and Hellenistic periods, buildings were constructed primarily from locally sourced limestone, a material that was abundant and relatively easy to work with. The use of limestone continued into the Byzantine period, characterized by the construction of basilicas and churches with distinctive apses and domes.

The medieval era saw the rise of fortifications as Nicosia became a significant defensive stronghold. The Lusignan period (1192–1489) introduced Gothic elements, as seen in the magnificent St. Sophia Cathedral (now Selimiye Mosque). The Lusignans used limestone to construct grand castles and churches, blending Gothic style with local architectural traditions.

The Venetia Influence

The Venetian period (1489–1571) left a significant mark on Nicosia’s architectural heritage. The Venetians reinforced the city’s defenses by constructing the formidable city walls, which still encircle the old town today. These walls, built from sandstone and limestone, featured eleven heart-shaped bastions and three main gates, combining military functionality with Renaissance aesthetics.
Ottoman Period

When the Ottomans took control of Nicosia in 1571, they introduced elements of Islamic architecture. The Ottomans converted existing churches into mosques and built new ones, such as the Arabahmet Mosque. During this period, local stone continued to be the primary building material, but the architectural style incorporated features like domes, minarets, and courtyards.

A typical Ottoman-era house in Nicosia was characterized by its inward-looking design, with an emphasis on privacy. These houses often featured an inner courtyard, surrounded by rooms and shaded by wooden verandas. The use of timber and adobe bricks, along with stone, provided both insulation and aesthetic appeal.

nicosia architecture
British Colonial Period

The British colonial period (1878–1960) brought new architectural influences to Nicosia. British architects introduced neoclassical and Victorian styles, which were adapted to the local climate and materials. Public buildings, such as the Cyprus Museum and the Paphos Gate Police Station, were constructed using a combination of limestone and imported materials like brick and iron.

Residential architecture during this period often featured high ceilings, large windows, and verandas, reflecting the British colonial style while accommodating the Mediterranean climate. Houses were built with stone and plastered walls, providing a blend of durability and elegance.
The Classic Nicosia House

Despite the diverse architectural influences over the centuries, the classic Nicosian house retains certain distinctive features. Typically built from local limestone, these houses are designed to adapt to the Mediterranean climate. Thick stone walls provide insulation against the heat, while high ceilings and strategically placed windows allow for natural ventilation.

A classic Nicosian house often includes a central courtyard, a feature inherited from the Ottoman period. This courtyard serves as the heart of the home, a private outdoor space for family activities. Rooms are arranged around the courtyard, with arched doorways and wooden shutters adding to the aesthetic charm. The use of terracotta tiles for roofing and decorative ceramic elements further enhance the traditional look.

Helpful InformationTips for Sightseeing

Rent a Bike

It's a convenient and eco-friendly way to navigate around town

Beat the Heat

Avoid the midday to enjoy cooler temperatures during Cyprus's hot summers.

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Remember to stay hydrated by bringing a resusable water bottle with you.


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Contemporary Architecture


In the post-independence era, Nicosia has seen a surge in modern and contemporary architecture. The cityscape is now a mix of old and new, with sleek glass and steel structures standing alongside historic buildings.

Modern architects often use reinforced concrete and steel, allowing for innovative designs and high-rise constructions.
Tower 25

Designed by the famous French architect Jean Nouvel, this tower is a striking addition to Nicosia’s skyline. The building’s façade features an intricate pattern of geometric shapes and balconies that create a dynamic interplay of light and shadow.

This high-rise structure not only provides luxury residential spaces but also includes retail and office areas, epitomizing modern urban living.
Eleftherias Square

Eleftheria Square, redesigned by the acclaimed architect Zaha Hadid, is a significant urban renewal project that transforms the city center into a vibrant public space.

The design includes sleek, flowing lines and futuristic elements that connect the old town with the modern city. The project features pedestrian bridges, green spaces, and public art installations, making it a focal point for social and cultural activities in Nicosia.
UCY Library

The library at the University of Cyprus, designed by the renowned architect Jean Nouvel, is a masterpiece of contemporary architecture.

The building features a striking, curved design with a green roof that blends seamlessly into the surrounding landscape. Inside, the library boasts state-of-the-art facilities, including digital research tools and expansive reading areas, making it a hub for academic excellence and innovation.
Town Hall

The Nicosia New Town Hall is a stunning example of contemporary civic architecture. Designed by the architectural firm Theo. David Architects, the new town hall is a modern complex that harmonizes functionality with aesthetic appeal. Located in the heart of the city, the building features clean lines, large glass facades, and an open plaza that invites public interaction.

The use of sustainable materials and energy-efficient systems highlights Nicosia’s commitment to green architecture and urban sustainability. The design blends modernity with elements of traditional Cypriot architecture, creating a landmark that respects the past while looking towards the future.

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