Digital Twins for Sustainability
23 – 24 September 2020
Nicosia, Cyprus
Conference program is available; click to view and download (together with abstracts)
We are on Slack! You can ask questions or discuss with authors / keynote speakers during and after the event. Click the link below to join in:
Important Dates
Full Research Papers
* Submission deadline for Full papers: 30 April, 2020
* Notification of acceptance for Full papers: 18 June, 2020
* Camera-ready final paper submission: 30 June 09 July, 2020
Short Contributions/Work in Progress/Posters
* Submission deadline for Work in Progress / Short Contributions: 31 July, 2020
* Notification of acceptance for Work in Progress / Short Contributions: 01 September, 2020
* Submission of final versions for Work in Progress / Short Contributions: 10 September, 2020

Social Media
EnviroInfo 2020 (Digital edition)
Environmental Informatics – Sustainability aware digital twins for urban smart environments
23th – 24th September 2020 at Nicosia, Cyprus
The EnviroInfo 2020 is the 34th edition of the long standing and established international and interdisciplinary conference series on leading environmental information and communication technologies. The conference is open for contributions covering innovative topics at the interface between informatics and environmental research.
The conference will be organized in thematic tracks and workshops. The event is taking place at the historic centre of Nicosia, inside a modern conference hall which serves also as a history museum and exhibition hall for modern art, under the support of the Municipality of Nicosia and its mayor, Mr. Konstantinos Yiorkadjis. Two keynotes by high-ranking speakers from industry and academia will also take place.
The conference is organised by the Research Centre on Interactive media, Smart systems and Emerging technologies (RISE). RISE constitutes a centre of excellence and a joint venture between the three public universities of Cyprus (University of Cyprus, Cyprus University of Technology and Open University of Cyprus), the Municipality of Nicosia, the Max Planck Institute for Informatics (Germany) and University College London (UK).
The main theme of EnviroInfo 2020 will be the emerging research concept of digital twins, of natural or urban environments and processes, towards sustainability and advanced intelligence. Sustainable digital twins of smart environments is the flagship project of RISE.
In the name of the program committee, we have invited contributions in the form of
- Short papers / Short contributions / Work in Progress
- Full papers
For more information please read the full Call for Papers.
We also invite workshops and special track with special topics in the scope of EnviroInfo. In this case, please feel free to contact us.
C02 Compensation for flight
Taking into account the awareness and sensitivity of our EnviroInfo community on environmental aspects, considering that this year EnviroInfo 2020 will be organized overseas, requiring a flight most likely to reach the conference. We decided to contribute part of the registration fee to plan trees equal to the CO2 estimated to be indirectly produced by the participants and visitors who travel by plane. We have made special arrangements with the initiative 300,000 trees in Nicosia, in order to achieve the trees planting in a coordinated and beneficial way for the Cypriot natural ecosystem. The area of the planting has been decided, with the approval of the Land Registry of Cyprus and the Dept. of Forestry, and can be seen at the figure on the right. It is near the Pera Orinis village, 20-minutes drive from Nicosia!
Keynote Speakers

About Nicosia

About Cyprus