The conference will be held at the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation (, 86-90 Phaneromenis Street, 1011 Nicosia.

The Bank of Cyprus Historical Archive was founded by decision of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Cyprus Group in January 2001 in order to locate, gather, classify, archive and make available for study and research the archival material of the Group, as well as that offered by third parties, as long as it pertains to the country’s economic history.
The Archive includes unbound documents and books produced since 1899 (when the “Lefkosia” Savings Account was founded) to the present day, audiovisual material and newspaper archive. It also brings together a rich collection of office devices and other types of equipment, tracing the evolution of technology within the Group.
The Bank of Cyprus Historical Archive is housed at the historical building complex of Phaneromeni, where the Phaneromeni Branch of the Bank of Cyprus has been operating since 1936.
The same building complex also houses the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, within which the Historical Archive Service falls.
Aside from offices, the Historical Archive comprises a specialized Library and a Workshop.