Social Events

Workshops & Collocated events Dinner

Date: 03 June, 2024
Location: Mezedopagida Restaurant
Departure from Venue: 19:00

Workshops & Collocated events Dinner is included in Full Registration (Attendee & Student) & Workshops & Collocated Events Registration (Attendee & Student)

Additional tickets for accompanying persons can be purchased through the registration system or onsite.

Cost for extra Workshops & Collocated events Dinner ticket: €50

Welcome Cocktail

Date: 04 June, 2024
Location: Venue Hotel Gardens
Time: 19:00-20:30

The Welcome Cocktail is the first social gathering between all conference delegates and it will take place at the Venue Hotel. It will be a relaxing evening during which delegates will have the opportunity to talk to colleagues and peers, while enjoying local drinks and ample canapés.

Welcome Cocktail is included in Full Registration (Attendee & Student) & Main Conference Registration (Attendee & Student)

Additional tickets for accompanying persons can be purchased through the registration system or onsite.

Cost for extra Welcome Cocktail ticket: €35

Tour & Conference Dinner

Date: 05 June, 2024
Departure Location: Venue Hotel
Departure Time: 17:45
Conference Dinner Location: Aphrodite Hill’s Village square restaurants at 20:30

We will depart from the venue hotel in air conditioned busses with licenced tour guides for an excursion to the historical sites of the west of Cyprus. We will end the day with the Conference Dinner, which will be at a local restaurant and will consist of an array of traditional dishes complimented with local drinks and desserts.

Tour & Conference Dinner is included in Full Registration (Attendee & Student) & Main Conference Registration (Attendee & Student)

Additional tickets for accompanying persons can be purchased through the registration system or onsite.

Cost for extra Tour & Conference Dinner ticket: €70

Farewell Beach Party

Date: 06 June, 2024
Location: Beach in front of Venue Hotel
Time: 20:00


Drinks, canapés, and a DJ make for a fantastic combination. Offering a variety of beverages, delicious bite-sized snacks, and some good tunes sets the stage for a memorable farewell party. 

Closing Day beach party is included in Full Registration (Attendee & Student) & Main Conference Registration (Attendee & Student)

Additional tickets for accompanying persons can be purchased through the registration system or onsite.

Cost for extra Closing Day Beach Party ticket: €40

Optional Excursions 

Half-Day Tour in Limassol

When: 02/07/2024

Ticket: € 30.00

Click on the image for more info

Full day tour in Nicosia

When: 04/07/2024

Ticket: € 55.00

Click on the image for more info

Full day tour in Paphos

When:  0807/2024

Ticket: € 55.00

Click on the image for more info